hangin with seneca crane2

It's not my place to be educated by you or to want to be educated by you, especially since I do have some knowledge on racial and indigenous issues in Latin America. No one I know has even used that term, and none seen to project as much you do. They're happy when attention is brought to the various cultures that

"Especially if I'm white Latina (I'm going to assume that you have a gimp phone or keyboard that keeps spelling Latina as "latinx").

Ok. I'm Hispanic / Latina. Please tell me what ought to offend me. Otherwise, maybe you're sensitive to language that is suitable for others?

You are literally out of your mind if you believe that.

Stop talking

That's your experience. Where I live, Hispanic = all-encompassing. Not everything needs to fit your narrative or experience.

it's a birkin

oh geez, shut up. It's her decision that in no way reflects upon any decision you have personally made. Key words being "personal decision".