
LOl, I believe in ghosts, but, like I tell the BFF, I also believe in faulty electrical wiring, gas leaks, subsonic frequencies, optical illusions, AAAAAAND overactive imaginations. Also hoaxes.

One of my best friends, a gay woman, worked at a huge ad firm. At one point, they developed this nutball, deeply offensive ad that was basically a tacky lesbian joke. She objected, both for the sake of her dignity and also to protect the company (because she’s a team player). But instead of taking her advice, her *all

A conservative street artist

I am so excited for this to be back. That first season was utterly fantastic.

Now playing

Hey, according to The Chicken Of Tomorrow sexing chicks is a rare skill!

I don’t know why people would trust him after he tried to ruin Christmas.

Any church or other religious organization that is physically capable of offering shelter during a disaster and doesn’t should have its tax-free status automatically revoked. They should have to pay taxes like any other business until they can prove their charitable value to the community.

Sheesh. Looks like proper kerning died, too.

So . . . why does he feel the need to advertise it? I hate when people talk about their food habits as though eating/not eating something in particular makes them a better person.

Immune system resets? Also, we have internal organs that detoxify us quite well.

* Foreign terrorists

Maybe they named the girl Sir...that’s kinda badass

Well what exactly is this interview? Is she going to make him look like a fucking idiot on TV, or she going to parrot all his points and nod along? If she actually challenges him and shows him to be full of shit, that might actually be interesting.

I mean, this seems like common goddamn sense. What did she think was gonna happen? Is everyone a fucking idiot now? Am I an idiot? Are we all idiots? Is this life?

“...it seems that this act was directed towards his ex-girlfriend, towards whom he had a violent history of domestic abuse.”

according to the lawsuit, filed on behalf of Lewis and Clark...