
All the stars I can give for the MST3K plug

I am 100000% here for that MST3K shout out (It’s back! It’s on Netflix!)

I am excited for this, but the return of Mystery Science Theater 3000 is also fucking great!

Regardless of whatever she’s going to “shine a light” on, pulling her as the host of a Sandy Hook memorial gala sure as hell puts a spotlight on the fact that Jones spoke out about believing it was a hoax. Good on them.

Is this a version of Münchausen by Proxy? It seems like it could be the extreme start of it. She had zero regard for his wellbeing as long as she was going to get attention/pity.

I read somewhere (and of course can’t find it now) that she was waiting to file so she wouldn’t have to testify against him. My guess is the paperwork’s been ready to file for a while.

Without disregarding how serious the accusations are against this musician and how interesting/not great their response has been (I’m following this story almost as feverishly as the Fyre fiasco), I’d like to recommend this article about the search for a singular gender neutral pronoun: https://www.theguardian.com/medi

Is Keeping Up With The Kontinuity Errors coming back too?

2 things: *elusive and *stolen

Thank you so much for this interview. I’ve been reading her books for YEARS and knowing how she researches/writes is super interesting. Mary’s on the short list of people I’d be starstruck to meet.

This is totally the same scam gypsies used to run in NYC. You can read about it in Up in the Old Hotel by Joseph Mitchell.

I went straight to the sloth in Ice Age

(Aunt) Becky with the good hair. Obvs.

There was a sweet couple on a HONY post about a month ago and I’m sure their story was great, but all I could think was “these fucking assholes and their two beach umbrellas.”

Would it have been possible to avoid this situation if there was a restraining order in place or would that have complicated things? I’m by no means well-versed in how this all works, but it seems like a restraining order is the first step when celeb stalking stories pop up.

Momjeans and scrunchie bonfire at my place this weekend. You’re all invited!

This is exactly what I thought. Well done!

Yikes. It’s jumping around a bit though.