
I liked this article a lot, when I read it back in March. Why is it being featured again so prominently? This Kinjasphere is a strange land indeed.

False. As the man in the marriage, Lee inherited his wife’s father’s slaves, which he requested be manumitted on his death, but which Lee failed to do. It wasn’t until 1862-3 that he freed them. His slaves attested to Lee ordering, and witnessing, whippings, then ordering, on at least one occasion, to have salt water

There is a third way. Those of us in well paying tech jobs that DIDN’T go to college. But those are mostly government jobs, so there’s that.

F yeah! this will be great for the memes!

Leave thy children to Meeeeee!

And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as

I meaaaan... it IS a quite old Italian standard. It’s like the Jane of Italy...

So, like most things, it’s a group effort.

Reminds me of all the Latinos who work for ICE, whitewashed traitors.

You’re more than a bit of a jerk here.

Or even better Ajit Pai.

Just a side note, because based on your reply here I’m deeply afraid you might never pick up on this: The Onion and Clickhole are satire.

these are good notes

“and I can say that as a former ZUNE, Ms band, Wp7, wp8, w10 mobile owner” - You’ve certainly made a series of questionable choices, thinking that anyone besides you knows what Groove does is one of them.  

They were just bringing in bags of money to pay for the border wall.

What they had was a box of electronics they got for nothing and sold for $30. They’re ahead of the game.

It’s a fucking Thrift Store, not a charity.

Said everyone in the world who didn’t have the same thing happen to them. Now, I’m sure you would have donated YOUR $2970 straight back to them, right?

He donated $30 to the Disabled Veteran’s Thrift Store. When he bought it from them. Because they got it for nothing in the first place.

Why would he?