
You should’ve put question marks over each one of the teen stars’s faces and just listed the actual stars we Olds we’re going to invariably mistake them for anyways.

It’s genius because it’s a really good way to make extra cash on the side by selling the phones your dinner guests left behind in the pocket. You just need to get them drunk enough to need a cab ride home.

Well you see, some serious shit went down all across Gawker last week. So this week Jez is praising Jesus for this opportunity to blow up this little sliver of nothing beef between Taylor and Nicki into something it isn’t. It’s essentially a “reset” button, helping them refocus the hivemind’s attentions externally,

I consume a shit-ton of music each month, so I know I’d spend (and have spent) waaay more than $10/month culling a similar collection offline or solely via iTunes. I subscribe to a service to have access to any song I can think of that I want to hear at any given time.

Actually, we licensed our version directly from the rainbow’s actual owners, the Leprechauns.

It turned out much better with just the 6 primary colored stripes. Even though it’s multicolored, it has a much stronger presence and is now distinguishable from an everyday rainbow. Pink is iconic and can stand as an independent representation, as the triangle, or paired with white or black. IMO, the turquoise was/is

Uhhhh great. Sooooo... will it work with dick pics? I’m asking for a friend.

So, what you’re really saying here is that the driver’s Swiftamine medication died off right before the accident, right?

Samsung 105-inch UHD TV

Well, at least they said something. It's stupid that people would get all up in arms over this NOW, when it's been happening for years across many of our devices as part of the NSA's PRISM program.

Beyond the logistical production and shipping issues you mentioned, I see no indication/examples of HOW this package (or any of the form factors displayed on Behance/Taxi) are indeed easier to open. No images of the concept packages being opened are provided, ChenChen merely *says* that they would be easier to open.

I don't watch anything "live" anymore. I don't even watch shows on a weekly schedule anymore. When watching a show, I need to see at least 2 episodes in a row, so I usually don't end up starting a show until it's on it's 4th or 5th live episode.

I was hoping it had something to do with teabagging her eyeballs while sitting on her face, wearing a dirty jock strap and repeatedly asking her if she'd like ranch dressing with her salad, but now I'm not so sure.

It was my understanding that if you declared yourself to be out upon arrival at the clearinghouse called Downstate, they'd send you somewhere safe (unless you yourself were not actually very safe, according to your record). I spent two years in a place like that, called Groveland Correctional Facility. It was a

What I want to know is:

This thing looks like some kind of elaborate trap. Seems like the folks at DSH Architecture aren't all that fond of cats.

That's the kind of thing you mistakenly eye while playing with your phone thinking it's a blinking "5 seconds before 'Don't Walk'" sign and end up sprinting right into a bus.

I'm hoping for a case that will make the 6 look like a large iPhone 5. Flat metal sides and all.

I look forward to this being featured in the next E-surance commercial.

Pretty sure my Friendster page is still up/out there somewhere.