
Wow, I saw numbers in this post and actually assumed it was spam.


I made it through that entire song, and not once did I want to stab at my ear drums with a pencil. It sounds more like Empire of the Sun than Ke$ha.

This whole Dakota-Fanning-turning-18 thing makes me worry a little for Amanda Seyfried. Even though she's only just now 18, Fanning has a lot of Hollywood power behind her, and those two resembling each other (in casting features) could result in Seyfried missing out on some career-defining roles. Even though Seyfried

Love it!

Wait, No Fair! Why do I have to be a straight dude?

You know, I loves me some Sigourney. But still, I was like: Ummm, what IS the thread count on that satin sheet+euro sham bedding set she is wearing?

They're not saying the models need to be thinner, what they're saying is:

Ok so the link to the NYT article displays the shorter cut with the following caption:

Yep - that's the one: JobVent.

Yep - Ah'member way back in the good 'ol days in 2007, right 'fore that Obama took over ever'thang, only folks who had them smartphones was good decent Whiiiaat folk, with jobs an' smarts, an' such. Hell, AT&T wouldn't even let them Coloreds have an' account. They had to go to one 'o them Colored stores - Verizon,

Well, I hope her blog does not offer further tips on wearing that detached peter pan collar over that Marsha Brady dress, because that is NOT the look.

There used to be a website that was basically like Yelp for employees with 5-10 different employer/company ratings categories (pay, growth, benefits, environment, etc.) a reviewer had to fill out. I've forgotten what it's called, but seems like anonymous bitching would be better placed on a site like that rather than

Now playing

Does Micheal Jackson's Thriller play in anyone else's head when they look at that pic of Max George?

Thought #1: Wait...what? Then why did she have an earpiece then?

"Cuddly Blanket Chair", or "Dutch Oven Chair"?

Pretty sure it's HPV

I can't figure out if this is supposed to be a "Young Tom Cruise" vehicle, or a "Young Paul Newman" vehicle, or a "Young Tom Cruise vehicle trapped inside an Old Paul Newman vehicle, trapped inside of 'Footloose II: Days of Thunder, Grapes of Wrath'. "


It's terrible that someone could be so selfish, egotistical, and evil as to hurl (or pay someone to hurl) acid in someone else's face out of jealousy over a position. I feel like the person behind this should suffer something equally as terrible.