
Yes, the cover has been Photoshopped. Yes, the texture of her throat has been smoothed out. Yes, her face was smoothed out to match her neck. But does it still look like Tina Fey? Absolutely.

Strange navigation issue: I was on Jezebel, clicked the header to read the post and was taken from Jezebel to Kotaku, where I then clicked the header link again, which then brought me back to Jezebel.

Is it because, like Jay-Z and Lady Gaga, ELLE magazine is ILLUMINATI?

Even though I know better, I think of pregnant women as fragile beings who should never over-exert themselves lest they lose the baby growing inside them. (I think this comes from watching soap operas where calculating characters lose their babies at the drop of a hat.)

My voice deepens drastically after my 4th Vodka Tonic and generally lasts until about 2pm the next afternoon. I enjoy calling my friends first thing the next morning because they rarely can place the voice on the other end of the phone.

Behold the great truth. Your words are wisdom...

You know, I've been looking for a demure and subtle chat emoticon that politely says "Honey, please STFU, or I will DESTROY you", and I think Callista's picture may strike just the right chord.

Well, OK for perky breasts, but what's this feedback loop about?

@Hey, Boo Boo

Are we sure about this? Maybe she just has some really sick Olympic-gymnast-caliber obliques...? I see the same shape mirrored on the other side of her body.


Pop culture has been recycling the 80's since 2002, so technically "2011 via 1989" is Right on Time .

That's crazy talk. I'm sure a judge would find it perfectly reasonable that a dainty lady shoots two other refined ladies at a Denny's simply because they wouldn't hand over their maple syrup.

This entire outfit is PHONED IN. It's like the 4th sequel of a successful movie right before the entire franchise gets sold to a straight-to-dvd production company. Even the song itself is already pre-mixed into an edit of a trance remix.

mmmmm, mmmmm, mmmmm

That's exactly what I'm thinking. I would never hire a model or photographer whose images required this much retouching.

ONE: Since it appears he's selling retouching skills over his photography, I'd expect such drastic before-and-afters.

I agree. Except I think it's SO horrible, even "Fucking Atrocious" sounds a compliment.

May I say that while I, my browser, and my phone cannot deal with some aspects of the redesign (I'm looking at YOU, constantly disappearing sidebar), I DO love how much easier "This Week in Tabloids" is to read now.

Now playing

If the producers of this movie really want to reach today's audience, they'd do well to have Meryl team up with Kanye and Daft Punk to remake this Rave classic into a hot new track