Handsome Ransom

"… you can tell the difference?" was my biggest laugh of the night. So glad to have this show back.

I play a lot of multiplayer shooters ('m good at exactly none of them), and I hate the idea of voice chat with strangers, it makes me super anxious. That's one of the benefits of having the voice chat relegated to a totally separate app. I also like that you don't have to be good at getting kills to contribute to the

These are all really interesting applications of it… I may have to go back to a Splashdown weapon. I had a lot of success early on using it as a defensive tool, forcing your enemies to retreat when they had you cornered, but I feel like a lot of people are expecting that now.

Adherence to a formula doesn't preclude a movie from also being good, or even great.

That's actually great news! Even decreasing enemy spawns by a small percentage would make the game a little less unfair, as well as stuff like retaining your thorns after being hit by an enemy.

I keep saying that I'm going to finish Persona 5, but that still hasn't happened yet, partly because I haven't gotten to sit down and play the chunks of time that I want. It's usually an hour here, an hour there, which, hey, I'm taking my time, right? But now I'm in what I assume is the last dungeon of the game and I

Hoping to power through Persona 5 this weekend. I'm more than halfway through Sae's dungeon (which, boy, I thought I had a thing for Takemi until Shadow Sae showed up), and I honestly don't want the game to end. I've loved it so much more than Persona 3 or 4, and when Goro works disbanding the Phantom Thieves into his

Saw someone on twitter say that Dead Space 3 was the most disappointed they'd ever been in a game while also enjoying it, which I relate to strongly. I love the Dead Space games, but 3 was such a disappointing cap to the series. I never played the DLC where they return to Earth, but I read a recap and it fell pretty

I usually go with "neighbor," but then again, I'm usually going for laughs with it.

Just dropping by to applaud the use of the phrase "one-on-one voter outreach."

I just finished a playthrough of P4 last week before starting in on P5. I totally expected to hate Ryuji based on the archetypes from past games, but so far he's actually the most likeable character, in my opinion. I also really like Morgana, so take that with a grain of salt.

Jeez, I just ran into this during the Archangel mini boss on 3F. I got my shit pushed in about 3 times before I realized I really would need to use the Guard command in this game, something that went largely ignored by me in previous Persona games. That fight is interesting, as is their approach to most tutorial

It was fun updating a friend on my playthrough who's only ever played Golden, since I know there are some story aspects that are entirely original to that game, and probably influence the ending a bit. I've debated watching the anime adaptation of Golden, but he told me not to if I didn't get the good ending.

I definitely plan on it, but I accidentally saved after the credits rolled, which I assume means I can't play from the save before all the hospital cutscenes. Maybe I'll borrow a Vita and play Golden next time I want to run through it.

Well I finished Persona 4 on Wednesday night and got what I believe is the second worst ending: Nanako recovered, but I failed to convince the Investigation Team that Adachi was the real killer. The cutscene that goes along with that ending was actually really touching, if a little anticlimactic, but it felt

I actually really want an introduction to Geralt, since he comes across as a bit of a cipher in the games I've played.

Good to know! On wikipedia, it actually lists those 2 before Blood of Elves, probably for this exact reason.

I'll have to pick up the first one after I finish Mistborn (which I've been putting off for a few months now…).

I've been curious about the books since Witcher 2, but I haven't seen anything about the general quality of them, so this is encouraging!

I've been watching and reading a lot of P5 reviews, and based on everything, I don't think there's any way I could be disappointed. Here's hoping!