Handsome Ransom

I've cracked The Witcher 3. I turned the difficulty to the easiest setting once I realized that I wasn't having fun getting cut down by every other random gang of bandits and I've been enjoying it a lot more ever since. The myriad ways to approach sidequests and their greyish outcomes are super interesting. I'm glad

I'm a little late to this one, whoops! I had to slow down on Persona 4, despite getting to Nanako's dungeon. It was consuming too much of my time, and I was getting burned out. I'll probably revisit it this weekend while my girlfriend's out of town, try to get through the rest of it.

Hoping to get through the rest of Persona 4 this weekend (which I somehow never played despite owning it for the better part of a decade), in front of Persona 5 in a few weeks. I've clocked a little over 50 hours so far, just now delving into Naoto's dungeon. (Can I say that? The game's been out in one form or another

While it's not strictly a sibling relation, I once conceptualized a movie in which Ryan Gosling plays Tim Roth's son who has retired from his life of crime, but when his dad gets in deep with a loan shark, has to go back in to team up with his dad for one last job.

I've never played all the way through the original PS:T (please don't crucify me ._.), but game length won't put me off as much as system requirements. Thanks for letting me know!

If you don't mind me asking, how long's your typical play session? I usually play for an hour or more at a time on my laptop, but I typically only play a game on my laptop if it's not processor-intensive.

Okay, based on everything I've read about this game, complaints and all, I'm definitely getting it (I ran campaigns in the Numenera setting for a few years, still my favorite tabletop setting and system to run). My question is, what is everyone playing on? I kinda want to get it for PS4, but I don't know how well the

Are… you my boss?

This is the first time in a long time that I knew what a link was going to be before I clicked it. That Daigo parry is legendary.

Oh, I knew I should have shown him "Electro-Gonorrhea, the Noisy Killer."

Sorta like the discovery of everyone's doppelgangers on HIMYM?

"Though I'm still waiting for Kirby Return to Dreamland and Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn to be made available for digital download"

Sometimes, I question my decision to uproot my life and move to be with her, but then I remember that feeling. Knowing I never have to feel that again is such a relief.

Thanks for a reply which engages nothing about what I wrote!

I remember telling myself I was ready to say goodbye to Community after S5. It would've been a fun, pithy, "fuck you" way to go out, which I think was always kind of the show's style. Having been this far with the show, I think everyone involved knows that this is its logical endpoint. I wouldn't say no to a movie,

This episode absolutely gets an A purely for Keith David's delivery of "I made a stinky."

I think I've been spoiled by the likes of Darkplace and The IT Crowd into expecting more of Matt Berry than we were given here. He gets a few Berryisms to shine through ("You punched me… with a woman's hand!"), but he felt underutilized to me as far as his actual line readings.

It's not part of the MCU, but it's part of that continuity. Let's face it, the only reason it's not included on official timelines is because Marvel wants to distance themselves from that abortion of a movie.

You may not be kidding, but you are exaggerating. Remember that Ang Lee's HULK is technically in continuity here.

Considering the Iron Fist series is still on the horizon, it'd be pretty tough not to include K'un Lun. That's pretty central to his origin.