
Please, father-of-a-daughter, do tell us how little molestation impacts the victims and how much sexual abuse is socially acceptable before one has to register as a sex offender.

Ah yes, keyboard social justice warriors, stoking the flames of the horrid injustice of punishing people for raping unconscious women.

Word has it he has already been accepted at Baylor.

It’s like a brawl at a condiment station between ketchup and catsup.

Ummmmm, what the fuck kind of seats are those? You may as well sit in the parking lot.

Acknowledgement is the first step to recovery...

This is a war crime.

So, alternately, if Tom Brady played for the Redskins, he would play like Kirk Cousins?

“*sometimes I am a dipshit*”

Tom Brady is a product of his environment. So, you are not very far off base with your remark. Your only misstep was assuming that the Redskins line, coaching, and defense could have provided Kirk with the same sort of benefits that caused Tom to enjoy such good fortune over his career.

The symptoms are blamed on Danny, but the constant flow of sewage into the Oakland Coliseum is ignored?

You can talk a lot of kids off ledges when you look like that.

Calm down francis. Its not about the city, but vivek and vlade playing who can screw up the hardest while their best player, a mercurial manchild named demarcus cousins, watches his career whither and die. In other words, dumpster fire.

So no professional soccer players anymore? No professional tennis players? Any runner who gets a Nike contract or gets paid to be on a Wheaties box can’t compete? The rule-change was for the whole field, not just basketball.

Demarcus Cousins broke into to tears after the sudden realization that the next time he would play basketball it would be for the Sacramento Kings:(


Take off the pants

Oh well. TNF sucks regardless of who’s calling the games.

This is like the Yankees not allowing A-Rod to hit but trotting out the corpse of Jeter for a whole fucking season in the 2-hole.

So it sounds like neither Lochte or Bentz may be lying. They just have different interpretations of what actually transpired. You say Potato, and I say Portiéltüzerachmíshñ.