
*Please don’t let it be Latinos fighting each other, please don’t let it be Latinos fighting each other*

This Twiddles bullshit is all to take the heat off Taylor’s boob job.

“This is your camera on DirectTV.”

It’s incredible to think that from ‘05-’07, Curt Schilling may not have been the biggest shithead in his own clubhouse.

Yeah this is “immature/inconsiderate sex having” not a “fuck fest”

This team is so shitty, the fans can taste it from the parking lot


See, you seem like you don’t enjoy life. Be more like Usain Bolt!

Thank goodness he's ok - it would have been really ugly if he dyed.

China takes it preetttttttyyyyyy seriously

It’s almost like the US TV deal is the most important source of revenue for the Olympics.

If the US dictated the Olympics, they would be in Chicago right now

Pay him no mind, he’s just salty because we own the moon, and he lives in a country that has flying poisonous crocodiles and no moon ownership.

Win all the medals, you get to dictate the terms.

Nothing a new D battery can’t fix.” -Phillies fans

Nice still image.

Jazmin Carlin finished 11.38 seconds behind Katie Ledecky. Her (Carlin’s, not Ledecky’s) final 100 m split was 60.10 seconds. 11.38/60.10*100 = 18.94 m. So if Carlin and Carter had morphed together into a furious swimming/shot put hybrid and thrown right as Ledecky hit the wall, their shot put would have overshot her

This post doesn’t even mention the Coghlan AB. Or Carpenter being tagged out in the face at home. So I’ll mention those things here.