
NBC= No Black Champions?

Just this week, I left my hockey bag in my car overnight after my beer league game. Woke up to a nice muggy morning, opened my car door and nearly threw up. After nearly 30 years of hockey, the smell usually evades me, but this one was an all-timer.

Here I should clarify that I despise coyness and code-speak and that if you ask me whether I “party” the answer will be “not with you”

Life hack: if your answer is “no,” then the meaning of the question becomes irrelevant

Hopefully ESPN doesn’t use Lupica to host Sports Reporters now. That is one of the only shows left with some dignity.

No snark, Hannah Storm handles these unfortunate and unenviable reports with aplomb, striking just the right balance of professionalism and humanism.

I like him... but I also like Jay Cutler and think he is personable, so I might not be the best judge of this.

More like Chad ‘Not Even’ Le Clos.

What!?! Where the hell is the Spoiler Warning!?! Some of us like to watch our sports 6 hours after they happen in carefully curtailed packets of mass consumption. Now I can’t pretend excitement 11 pm.

Traveled to Chicago last year to see the Cardinals play the Bears. I wore this shirt to the game, along with a Cardinals hat and jacket, so I thought it would be clear I was trying to mock their team. Instead, about 500 Bears fans were giving me high fives, asking where I got the shirt, and even offering money to buy

My sources tell me Goodell heard about the horrible conditions a while ago but waited until he had video proof before making such a drastic move.

As a Packers fan (who lives in NE Ohio) this is fine with me. An extra preseason game that increases the risk of injury, and Rodgers most likely wouldn’t be playing anyways, it’s ok.

Post game photo.

So, I can’t quite make out what he’s shouting... Is it “Your fresh blood is ready” or “engage magnetic motor?”

It helps to remember they were going uphill and he kept this up for 20 seconds while they were on a bike for 5 and a half hours at this point.

Well us Bills fans have to do something in the offseason without our tailgates.

I thought this was a crosspost from Jezebel

Tomorrow is the day LeBron James becomes the most unlikable person in the NBA, and perhaps all of American sports. I