Hands of Orlok

For the same reason why people holding the gun get in disarming range of their targets.

Add colour-coded cultures to the mix. 

Dr. Stranger Danger

Namor was found by Johnny Storm as an amnesiac bum in Fantastic Four Vol. 1 #4. That might be the oldest case for this trope in superhero comics.

The magic words are brand recognition. That’s all that matters. 

Sounds a bit like Cobra Kai but with witches. Which sounds perfect.

Best casting news ever. She was always on my “Wouldn’t it be cool if they were in the MCU?” - List, so I would have been happy with pretty much everything, but this is bloody fantastic. 

I think they are supposed to be Penguins henchmen. The black lips are meant to be the beaks. 

Looks great. Has a 90s feel to it. 

Which makes them even more embarrassing.

The Hand got less intimidating with each new “Finger” they introduced. Nobu was good, Gao great, but everyone else made them less mysterious and more boring.

Hm, interesting, the Pawn looks a bit like a blonde version of Mercedes Marten, an NPC of the original game.

Tis a troubling foe!

Beautiful shot, but still boring from a design perspective. Nothing really new, too much emphasis on recreating the visuals of the OT.

The only good example of a modern hero pulp I can think of is Person of Interest. I think the trick is to make it less obvious or go full-camp as a period piece.

I would even say it leans in the opposite of this unfortunate trope by leading to the de-fridging of lost loved ones.