The header image is on point, sadly. I still have to finish the Blood and Wine DLC on the PS4. Only then I would even dare to install it on the PC and try it with mods.
Well we had a baby Gungan in Clone Wars. Her name is Roo-Roo Page.
Sym-Bionic Titan was already mentioned, so how about Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!
True, true. Of all the things the prequels were lacking, creativity in the design department wasn’t one of it.
It helped that they have one theme in common: Saving Bucky Barnes.
I thought Cap was kind of underpowered in The Avengers, or at least not back up to full capacity after having been frozen 70 years
Would have been my pick too. I’m German and used to Nazis as exposable demi-humans in US fiction but still have a deep affection for Captain America as this embodiment of hope in the comics so I was quite moved by that scene.
I would add to Anthem that it sounds traditional and liturgic, so basically the opposite of what they aimed for.
Neat. I dig the aesthetic, I dunno how to call it, office punk? Portal-esque?That’s way more action-oriented than I expected, but it reminds me of Infamous: Second Son and that was very fun to play.
I have crossed oceans of fan patches to find something that fills the gap that was left by the original one. What a horrifying thought to be so close to the reincarnation of my one true gaming love.
Totorlax speaks for the trees.
It looks like you do coexist with lots of them, like when they ride on the back of them and shoot at these smaller predators. The “giants” seem to be the real bad guys you can whack without remorse.
They’re from Pom Poko.
I hope he shoots that sword with his bow.
He survives in the past, but Peggy dies instead of him.
A game gives you something no picture or video can provide: control over the character. Make of that what you will, but I think it’s the reason why there is still a demand for sexy character designs. Some simply want to play as a hot chick.
Awww, thanks! That was a nice surprise.