
I like it but I typically eat them mixed into oatmeal so I have to remove the shell entirely.

I also don’t do the running water thing. Since I have one for breakfast most days I keep a Solo cup of water in the fridge and use that for a post-cooking bath. Cool it off, cup and water back in the fridge.

Even tho an avid baseball fan since youth, I stopped paying attention to it after the 1994 strike and never picked it up again. It probably doesn’t help that I live in Miami, a city that doesn’t have major league baseball.

It occurred to me that since then, some players have come along, had brilliant careers, been

I tried one after I wrote that yesterday. Came out good. Later today I’ll try version 2: nuke water in a small glass ramekin til it boils, then dump an egg in and let it sit for 3 minutes.

I waved the white flag years ago on poached eggs, knowing I was never ever ever gonna be able to cook them properly. Found out I like soft boiled eggs — which I can cook — just as much. But I suspect there may be an experimental meal in my future.

BTW, they’ll go on top of a bed of sweated down spinach and sauteed

Now playing

Late 50's we used to go to wealthy Uncle Dave’s house for family dinner {it was always deli take-out, which we all loved and my family couldn’t afford}.

I cut the cord about six years ago but in fairness, this year my internet speed has been boosted from 75 Mbps to 100 Mbps {just now tested it - 115 Mpbs at east coast lunchtime on a Wednesday} and a lovely CSR found a plan that cut my monthly charge in half. I get a few more quick blackouts than I’d like but on

I’ve known a few Dolphins cheerleaders thru the years, including Kristan. I don’t know if it’s a team policy but they don’t stay past five years. They have to audition every year and being on the squad one year doesn’t automatically mean you’ll make it the next year.

It’s hard work that doesn’t pay enough to live on

I keep 4 plastic bowls on a shelf in my home office. Every nite I take the day’s coins and split them up into their corresponding bowls. Takes no time and makes rolling them, which I’ll do in front of the TV, much easier.

For me a purchase usually boils down to one question: will this purchase improve the quality of my life more than keeping the money needed to make it? The answer isn’t always clear but the question always makes me think first.

I’m grampa age and I can tell you for a fact no one’s grampa eats like that. We just tell you we do so you’ll make videos like this for laughs. I promise you, Grampas laughed hardest at this and we weren’t laughing with you.

My favorite band, based in NJ, comes to my state twice a year if I’m lucky. This year I waited til the last minute to buy tickets and they sold out {which they never do here}. So I tweeted the official account, asked them if they were releasing any tickets late.

To my absolute shock, I got a DM from their keyboard

The Short Attention Span Generation

My hard and fast rule is 8PM. Computer gets shut down, phone is for talking only. Go for a walk in the neighborhood, watch some TV, read a book. It’s not that difficult.

A possible explanation from Newsweek, of all places.

About 15 yrs ago, at age 50, I had a dr appointment and they told me to stay off beef for a week before coming in {don’t remember why}. I noticed that I just felt better after not eating it so I drastically reduced the quantity I eat - the occasional roast beef sandwich, maybe a couple of Sabrett hot dogs here and

A probably inappropriate response by me since it’s a book rather than a movie but…

According to this, Shannon Hale is 6'8"

If this is the Kryptonian version of the Kelvin timeline, I’m not interested. When I saw them blow up Vulcan and kill Spock’s mother, I walked out of the theater. Can’t pull that nonsense without giving the audience a headsup.

Canons are there for a reason. If they’re not true to the story then they’re just doing it

A smart toothbrush isn’t the stupidest idea I’ve heard heard of but it’s in the conversation