
Sorry. If Anna Wintour shows up at my house, I’m doing the Condé Nasté with her ASAP.

The second woman, Catherine Somani, 53, was slashed in the abdomen, the sources said.

I think a better example would be...

? But this is about a woman that thinks she is owed being eaten out. There was no argument that guys are entitled to being blown. That she wants it only one way is her prerogative. But it also reflects that she's just a shitty person.

There are ZERO fucks given on him, could be a piano playing trashman, and no one gives a fuck about him.

Getting to the airport

I'd also like to add; "Assholes take newborn babies on red-eye flights because well, maybe they'll sleep." I frequently take a red-eye from LA back to the east coast, and almost every single goddamn time, someone has a newborn baby on the flight screaming the entire time when the other 250 people on the plane WANT TO

I rode a kite tube once. ONCE. The height of the tube is directly proportional to the speed of the boat. The movement of the tube once airborne is directly proportional to witchcraft. Throw in a drunk uncle or two and you're pretty much guaranteed a trip to the hospital.

I don't believe in teasing. It pisses me off. I don't have time to be teased and I assume people's time is as limited as mine. I want people to look at the Sploid homepage and be able to tell what the story is without having to click through. Once or twice you can be playful, if there's a reason, but the norm should

Part of Crossfit is performing movements with a relatively high potential for injury in a competitive environment with implicit pressure to go faster and heavier. This will inevitably lead to breakdowns in form, and injuries.

Good point. But the isn't the major problem here is that the trainers aren't that effective? It seems a lot of people are getting hurt. But I don't know the statistics for more traditional (what ever that means) weight lifting classes.

Because man your local gym won't take a photo of you after a killer WOD man. They need everything to go on social media or you basically didn't work out.