
Fans of FIFA would like a word.

Somewhere in the inner tubes their is a compilation of a bunch of dudes that suffer from this. It’s fucking frightening!

No fucking way they could beat me at H3.

Good on him. I need to come play in your leagues. I play with late 30's folks and while they are competitive they are so in a retired NFL player at fat camp kind of way.

It is in a Mayweather kind of way. People don’t like to lose to defensive players. We want to see the champion on the attack, not running around burning the clock.

Unless you were on the field, I don’t know if you can refute her statement.

Let’s break this down a bit “honorary play rules” are not rules, therefore don’t mean anything. I would also ask where you get this information? I don’t think I’ve seen the US team complain about teams note honoring non rules.

I don’t know which country to be more upset with Brazil for not building proper facilities for all the teams or Kenya for not insisting on getting some lunch passes for their coaches.

You’re what 26? Wait till that crowd you’re playing with is 32.

I mean I can see what you’re trying to say, but hardly have I ever seen a marathoner, at least someone that trained and set goals, stop during the race. Worst case scenario, they walk. Never seen someone just cop a squat and rest.

I was about to post in the coed sports players, especially beer belly league soccer and softball crowd. God bless them. They do nothing for 9 months but for three months, 2 hours twice a week and once on a weekend, they press all the competitive juice out of their fine tuned athletic physiques for the glory of the

Are you wearing a onesie?

I’m tickled pink by the throngs of people who will pay hundreds of dollars to run a marathon and have an injury or whatever that keeps them from running the day of. Then for weeks you have to listen to them be “bummed” about not being able to compete. I trying not to remind them that the roads are still there.

I’m not sure it’s much harder than soccer or running a marathon, just different training.

I feel like pole dancing should have been listed. So many middle aged soccer moms who repressed their desire for smut, now claiming “it’s an exciting way to get fit.”

Jesus christ, that’s like meeting the offspring of Hitler and Peggy Noonan.

Sorry, was busy learning science. Did we change topics?

Really? I can’t even. Windows fog up because of a mismatch in temperatures. Usually the inside of the car is hotter than the outside of the car. So the cold outside of the window causes the warm air inside the car to cool and condense when it hits the window.

Why is no one asking how the windows fog up with the front window completely down? Did they stop mid romp to raise the front window? If not, fat chance of steaming up the windows! This is the real insult to our intelligence.

Interesting. I’ll out myself as an old here, but lifestyle magazines like cosmo and its ilk used to recommend that guys thank their lovers. I always thought it was weird. Tried it a few times, didn’t feel as weird as I thought it would, but never really felt natural to me.