
That assumes you're not listening to the radio, running AC, or doing anything of the hundred of other things that will consume energy while stationary.

Oh ok. You’ve just jumped the shark buddy and I’ve lost interest. In essence you’ve just taken an asinine position in order to defend your previously stupid position. This illustrates the you’re either trolling or you’re way out of your league.

How? I’m actually interested in seeing what you mean here.

YOu’re not really that dumb are you? You realize there are various levels of digital criminal competence right? Yes, the high level black hat hacker type that wanted to use the data when the Russians released it probably already did. But your low level, still commits check fraud type of criminal doesn’t have the skill

You act as though Wiki commits no harm in republishing this data. As if once it was posted on the internet, it is free. You must have been a big fan of the flappening. Right? Bad guys posted all those pictures of celebs so if websites posted them, it was ok. The real criminal was the bad guys that hacked their

GTFO. There isn’t a single person working with or at wikileak that doesn’t understand the harm of sending out people’s personal information like this. And the “value of transparency” on this is zero. Providing the CC or John Doe who gave Hillary 25 bucks has zero useful value to interested readers. However, the risk

Well depends on if you’re running the AC while you sit in an LA parking freeway during Aug.

Wouldn’t you be concerned with unexpected traffic? I like electric as much as the next guy, but on long or short hauls, I’d be worried about what happens with traffic Jams up for 2 hours due to some stupid idiots bumper car exhibition. Sitting in traffic in a diesel would just mean an extra stop at the before mention

You forgot guns. Gun man! Without science, no second amendment. Shit man, NO SECOND AMENDMENT!

I’m not a physicist, so I can’t show my work, but a do agree that you have to take into account the audience, the purpose of the speech, as well established norms within the industry to describe ideas in order to come up with a probability. Because no one is going to tell a group of republicans at the national

Fuck, now I heard this clip and I lost respect for myself for listening to two idiots talk about respecting each other. Fuck

That is not true! Everyone knows Taylor is a sub sandwich exploding with ham in orchid-like undulations.

I understand your point about people buying stuff they don’t need, but where you comparison falls apart is the Mercedes owner gets to say he paid 2 to 3x the value of the Yaris, because he wanted 300 horsepower. The MAC owner does not get to say, “I wanted a faster machine.” They don’t get to say I wanted more

The last long time argument is interesting, because it’s very YMMV. I’ve had lenovo and IBM PCs that went 5 years. Sure you can’t sell them for 400 when you’re done, but then again you didn’t pay 2500. And if you saved $1000 upfront the extra $200 on the back end isn’t going to make up for it on the backend.

Your comparisons are false. A Mercedes has a better motor, better interior, better chassis, breaking system, electronics, and just about everything else better than a Yaris. So when you pay the premium between a Mercedes and a Yaris, you articulate what you get in exchange for the premium. In chase the MacBook Air vs

You just convinced me to issue a stop payment on my kid’s private school check and send her to public school. Well done.

One that leapfrogs the current technology in the market? Yeah, I’m your huckleberry.

Double for accountants. They work those keys like Billy Joel works the Ivory. If you watch closely, you can see them wish death on the IT guy that presents them with a laptop that has no built in 10-Key. They even has USB adapters for laptops that don’t come with.

If you work a lot with Vid you’re right MAC is better, but most of the other stuff you mention seems like a give and take, where MAC shines PC wilts, but where MAC comes up short PC stomps. Artists, Graphic designers, and Music folks, benefit greatly from MAC, normal “work” users not enough to justify the big price

Points for sending me to a wiki article with a tastefully done artist rendition of “Mammary Intercourse.”