
For the update . . . no thanks, can we go back to the content during the hack?

Your observation is wrong, and I’d like to add that beer pong isn’t thing anymore unless you’ve upgraded to the rumba version.

I’ve seen the string a bit here. Do people honestly not know what bae is?

That or perhaps it’s financially difficult to do in a city where a studio sells for a million dollars.

A tired Rachel performed a sex change on pour Cecile. Crafty this one.

Blind faith in Technology? There were 32,675 deaths due to car crashes in 2014. I presume they all had human drivers. Not a great track record.

Speaking of boy friend, why does the hero image look like two different stills of the same porno?

It’s one accident. It’s unfortunate, but if Ford stopped selling model A’s after the first death, we’d still be on horseback.

What you mean like the scenario that plays out in mass daily with people behind the wheel?

I’d take that over:

My comparison was just metro rail to metro rail. If you add in the buses and light rails then I would do the same for other cities and LA would come out horribly light. Look, I can tell you that millions of people shop at Kmart because they do. But no one would blame you if you said, “no body shops at Kmart,” because

Why is it that when people are given facts that invalidate their arguments, they feel the need to find a way to save their arguments by making tangential arguments that are easier to support?

Yes, 350 million books sold me be wrong!

I don’t know but i went from this article to there jobs board.

I do like that they did this. It reminds me that “they know that he knows, they know.”

It is fascinating to watch though. Like watching a bully bitch about the new goodie two shoes golden glove transplant that told him if he saw him bullying another kid he was going to use he head as a punching bag. “That guys such I dick. Where the fuck’s Pomona anyways? I bet it sucks!”

Oh. So wait. Because Gawker doesn’t like him FB should ban him? Is that the logic we’re going with? Remember boards have a fiduciary duty to the company. You think those board members are going to kick out one of the most influential people in the SV because he shat on a rag that’s taking pot shots at all SV success

For the record, quicken loans are a solid deal compared to other alternatives.

Philly won the world series 4 years ago.

Really. How international of you know.