
My comparison was just metro rail to metro rail. If you add in the buses and light rails then I would do the same for other cities and LA would come out horribly light. Look, I can tell you that millions of people shop at Kmart because they do. But no one would blame you if you said, “no body shops at Kmart,” because

Why is it that when people are given facts that invalidate their arguments, they feel the need to find a way to save their arguments by making tangential arguments that are easier to support?

For the record, quicken loans are a solid deal compared to other alternatives.

Philly won the world series 4 years ago.

Really. How international of you know.

Slow your roll there brokenwit. Trust me I pay my fair share. But I also acknowledge that if there were a way for me to save on taxes I would, and I’m not alone in thinking that.

That’s been suggested since about 2000. I love business schools. It’s where people go to be told the obvious. Roughly 1/3 of the worlds population speaks Mandarin. Speaking the same language as 1/3 of the world seems like a pretty good bet regardless of how much you think you can bilk them for.

Fuck off Vegsmashed. If you had enough money to protect from taxes, you’d shove it in your asshole if you thought it would help preserve it from Government taking.

Haysues Cristo! Freedman was right. The world is flat. Today some asshole in Williamsburg can spout off world wide political hatred that was once reserved for locals.

hahahahahahahahaahahahaha. You expecting that guy who threw away a multimillion dollar franchise quarter back life to party and act like an idiot to make good decisions about driving during his nights out.

It’s hard because society says when you’re addicted and can’t be trusted. And because needs to be able to measure alcoholism, they do so in drinks per x. Too many per any given night and your a binge drinker who is or will be an alcoholic. Too many on a regular basis and you’re chemically dependent. So for someone

Keeping your promises. It’s at the core of any change in your life. Start small. Wake up when you set your alarm clock. Don’t snooze. At night set the alarm for the time you want to get up and make yourself a promise to get up. Eat breakfast and promise yourself to do so on schedule everyday. As you accumulate small

You fumbled at the 1 yard line man. I was expecting your post to end in “so I could fuck it senselessly until the bitcoins fell out.” The hand job ending just seemed a little blue balls-ish.

Ali argued he won all three. There is alway someone out there with an opinion. We can only turn to the cards and see what the end result was. 1 Frazier, 2 Ali. That’s what happened in the ring.

I don’t understand why folks always put one fighter on a pedestal to the exclusion of all others. Frazier beat Ali in bout one. Then lost to Foreman. Ali beat Frazier in two follow on bouts and rope a doped Foreman.

I feel like if you take off slow, they would hold for a little bit. Especially if you take off slow. I get this image of them all working there way off as he round the block. Then maybe with a little acceleration ker-blamo!

That’s exactly my point. I’ve seen an over zealous wrencher break a stud, but it falls. If you did that an entire set of wheels it would be impossible to pull this stunt off. That’s why my money is lug nuts weren’t put back on. On guy ask this one ready? Some other guy tumbled something and he took it for a test-drive

I suppose I mean wheel studs.

I agree with you in part. But I know you can torque a lug nut so much it breaks, I’ve seen it. But you have to be a special kind of dumbass to do that 24-32 times, on the same truck - depending on how many lug nuts 4-runners have. Plus, if you break them, they tend to fall off. It would also take a special kind of

I say the lug nuts never made it on that thing. Breaking all 24 while synching them down is fucking hard.