
Thanks. I agree that in some cases it’s a wash. No offense but an outback is no a luxury car. My point is that in the luxury market, it’s a bigger difference.

I realize you’re trying to reboot or something, gain back your confidence, or try to muster your inner alpha. Or whatever. But here is the short and sweet of it - you write like a freshmen poli sci major with a minor in English lit.

Sometimes we plebes just can’t figure it out sir.

I really didn’t set out to troll. Sometimes it’s just hard to watch people so full of themselves act as though Socrates would swoon to hear them speak.

Um . . . who shit in your corn flakes this morning? Luxury vehicles in all categories command a substantial premium when new. They do not command the same premium in the used car market. Often times they lose tremendous value within 3 to 5 years of use. With the exception of a few brands like BWM and Lexus, most

Point of fact accepted.

I agree that there are cars where the savings is limited thus not worth it.

No. I mean Sub-Luxury, Mid-Luxury, and high-end Luxury. The point is that the luxury class whether lower end or upper end have huge mark ups. Mark ups that people aren't at keen to pay once the new sheen was worn off.


Wow so loquacious! I am downright astonished by how prodigious you are!

I guess because I am not a writer, I don’t share the same hatred for writers in their sunset years.

Should respond with “I’m rubber, you’re glue . . . ?”

I think it’s appropriate to disagree with the Never Buy New stance. I agree that there are cars where the savings is limited thus not worth it. But there are probably more instances where it make sense, than those where it does not. Especially if you’re in the sub, mid, or high-end luxury market.

Do you want something the kids can beat down and repackage for a small space in hell or something that still brings you joy while driving?

Not quite as sad as the imaginary world you live in where your cognition is considered anything other than substandard. Anyone who uses the word “pontificate” demonstrates their sad desire to be a smarter more respected person.

I didn’t see much wrong with George’s article. Seemed pretty cogent, something I can’t say for this article. I wonder if this is the result of hating people who have reached beyond your current grasp?

I do love how when a church going kid stumbles it’s because god is testing him. Yes, god made you rape that girl. Because god wants to test your commitment to him. Are you willing to rape for god and repent? Are you committed to your lord so much that you’ll abuse others at his command and then beg for forgiveness?

Ok . . . I remember Agassi riding around in his red Nike detailed Hummer and the press going crazy for it. I know Arnold had 4 in the early 1990s but I don’t associate him with publicly highlighting them.

You and I could be friends. First thing I saw. Mostly, because I recently got my truck back from a detailer with the same tell tale signs of shitty work.

That’s funny, I was about to do what you did and say “he was from Mill Valley, CA” . . . but them I googled it and saved myself from internet scorn.