
I think Diaz wins again. psychologically, it’s tough to bounce back when you hit a guy with everything you have and he shrugs it off. Especially when you’re used to your shots KO’ing guys. Plus the 4 inch reach advantage was a being hurdle for the leprechaun. I think you could run this fight to infinity and Conor

He and nearly every other fighter do this. It’s unavoidable. If the 180 guys cut to 155, the 155 guys cut to 135. It’s just the nature of the game.

That’s simple. If you’ve never cut weight you may not understand it, but anyone who’s cut weight before knows how quickly you can add 5, 10, 15 lbs. Shit when I was cutting weight if I chewed gum with sugar in it I gained a pound. When you’re cutting 20+ pounds you’re going to be down in the 3-5% body fat. Your body

I can see the case for the 155 fights for him, but remember Diaz has fought at 155 a lot. Those guys are tougher bigger and in a different league. One of the issues is that 155 is a weight that guys that walk around at 185 in shape can hit, 145 is not. A lot of times it’s just sheer body dimensions (bone structure).

Yes, Mendes wasn’t prepared for the fight, no training camp and he was exhausted and winded. This resulted in him getting sloppy and using poor defense. Mendez dominate that fight up and to the final minute when exhaustion finally got the better of him. And don’t forget only 3 seconds stood between a 1 minute break.

I feel like we’re not going to be friends. It’s a shame, I was truly looking forward to having your wise counsel at my disposal.

wow. you’re a peach. I love that you still engage because you somehow feel you’ll convince me your right. Despite how ludicrous you sound. So I’m like Mario Andretti because I drive fast? Sweet. In a way I’m also like Jay Z because I have hair. I should have a grammy by now.

I love that you’re making your point on a post where the UFC Champion literally hand picked his opponent and with a straight face you say UFC is different than boxing.

You pretend as if MMA fights aren’t hand picked too. Everyone, including you knows that Diaz was supposed to be a stepping stone for Conor. Picked because he wasn’t supposed to be very good and could help Conor make a case for uniting several belts.

Well, that adds to his general stew of dislike

I don’t think so. That would be a pussy move and I don’t think she’s a pussy.

My favorite on the tap out. I think he was once quoted as saying he’d rather die than tap out . . . boy that change of heart came real quick!

I get it. In a way I’m like Mario Andretti. He drove race cars fast and won tons of tittles and I drive a chevy volt fast, I mean really fast!

I think you give him too much credit. I think he genuinely thinks he’s the re-encarnation of Ali.

Gee if only I could be like you. So smart. So great at comparing. I’ll go work on that this week.

Yes her ground game is week. Rousey had a very sloppy night. She did not bring her ground game. She went bull in china shop and paid dearly. I’d wager that if they fight again, Rousey will take her to the ground and a submission will follow.

Yeah you’re right, a few years of good performance with worthy of a life-time all star award.

People will still cut weight. They’ll just fight malnourished. Go watch wrestling. They’ve been doing it for centuries.

That’s not true. This fight proves cutting weight helps win fights. Conor is used to power punching smaller guys, guys that can make the 145 weight class, because he’s pretty big to get into that class. But Diaz cannot make 145. He’s too big. And as it turns out, he’s also too big for Conor’s power punches. I don’t