
Yes! And No. If would have gotten up there and said, the line didn’t hold, the receivers dropped passes, it would be truthful and that would have been better than being a baby.

Your zing would carry a lot more bite if you weren’t comparing him to guys who have 10 years in the NFL. Very few QBs ever out perform legends 3 years into their career.

Me too. Really shitty news. That guy was a fucking legend. Sucks.

That assumes other bookstores had the logistics machine that Amazon built while driving them out of business.

Seems like a pretty damn good plan. The advantage they have is that they have the cheapest logistics in the world. If they can deliver to you a copy of Fiddler on the Roof in 2 days and still be profitable. They can deliver a case of them to the store to be sold to you for a profit.

Well when you have a gang of bikers yelling at you and then one sneaks over to the other side and bangs on your window . . . you may wonder if trouble is on it’s way.

I agree both sides are idiots. Just because this is lane splitter, I’m not going to side with the biker. He had no business provoking those guys. When you mess the bull, sometimes you get the horns.

Let me see if I can paint a picture that seems threatening. Well your honor there was a motorcycle gang riding real crazy on the streets. They were threatening other vehicles and driver real aggressive. Then when we were telling them to tone it down, one of them snuck around the the other side and started banging on

Where the fuck would you retreat from when in the cab of a truck? Did you see a set of ejector seats that I didn’t see?

I don’t hate to say it. That guy is an idiot. The guys in the truck flipped him off and then he went and looked for a problem. No one told him to circle the truck and go knock on the window. Was he really so distraught they flipped him off that he had to go say something? Fuck that. He’s lucky he didn’t get shot and

There is literally a song about everything!

What? The article is clear that company had to buy the rights and then presumably built out the brand more, at a cost. Why does asking if it’s fair they should have to be compensated for their costs offend you?

I’m outraged by the reference to The Shinning. That film was filed in Oregon at the Timberline lodge and only some of the interior shots where based on the Ahwanhee. Seem like to much of a stretch.

If the loud mouth one was alive during Regan, I’ll eat a boot made of crap. I hate again.

Or the rapist thing. Especially if we get to talk about closet cases.

You’re a weird duck.

8mm is there. It won’t stay suppressed though. Truly hate that I let a friend pick the movie on that fateful summer day.

You can’t compare Terrel Owens to Manzel. Owens, love him or hate him, delivered on game day. BIG DIFFERENCE!

They are kids, and it was just one floater in the tub. If you can’t wash it, you’re being a weirdo. Did you though out your kid the first time they shit their diaper? No, you cleaned his ass and kissed him on the forehead. Maybe skip the kiss with the duck, but assuming you have soap and water, you don’t have to make

You not make a deal on your first trip to the dealership. It may take you months if you want to make sure you get the right deal. Why not wait till the deal closed?