




Hey man, what the fuck?! Ne spent all day stripping that context out so the narrative would look JUST right, and here you come and just put it all back in one comment?

You’re making the mistake of thinking that a media interview - likely one of many in a short timeframe at some junket - is an honest conversation between two professionals.

Because I’m excited about avoiding it. I’m looking forward to people saying “oh, it’s so great!”, so I can know that they have pathetic and simple tastes which can be tantalized by watery knock-offs of great media. I imagine that if I post about it, I’ll get all kinds of people telling me they they are utterly

Yep. I’m usually on Tay’s side, given that she’s usually not shitty. But “I should be allowed to fly on private jets without having the guilt associated with the selfishness of that decision” is never a stance I’m willing to back. As long as he’s just posting the information that the FAA is making public for - you

Because your friend had looked up hot tubs. Or ner friend had looked up hot tubs. As long as you two shared a network (both connected to the same WiFi), you have become forever linked to that person’s shadow profile. That goes for every house or work wifi you log on to, as well as every store or resturaunt wifi. But

I’ve been telling people this since it was first reported. My co-workers and I left soak tests with wireshark running and collected first-hand data, so I’ve known empirically that what people *think* happens, absolutely does not happen in any way, shape or form.

I’ve never had a decision reaffirmed more thoroughly and more often than the decision to stop supporting Nintendo.


Don’t care who directs, don’t care who is starring; neither motivates me to care about Rey fucking Palpatine/Skywalker and her nothing of a character doing *anything* in whatever they are pretending is Star Wars, these days.

Sometimes a fool has to suffer consequences.

Huh. All still works the same. Weird.

Testing my profile after someone/thing changed my pfp

Pretend the commentariat is being unreasonable all you want, but it is a professional embarrassment that you couldn’t even be bothered to link to your own website’s previous work on the subject (which the article seems to imply was because you did not even do the barest of due diligence). It’s not even obfuscated.

If you’ve got some examples, I’m all ears. But what I’m assuming you’re saying is the same thing Musk thinks: that future spaces will need to be retrofitted for custom-made, non-humanoid robots. That, I think, is a very poor prediction. Custom-made, non-humanoid robots can work in human-shaped spaces and not need to

First of all, maybe check out my second paragraph, where I acknowledge that peripherals are the main problem here.

Alternatively, the Guitar Hero brand is now in the hands of Microsoft and their biggest competitor brand just signaled it was only going to make a competing title within another game. So some executives there may start thinking about a new ‘test the waters’ Guitar Hero title, exclusive to GamePass.