
I’m sorry you’re having trouble understanding what I’m saying. I don’t have the inclination to correct you, but maybe some re-reading will help, if you’re so inclined.

I don’t care what you want to ask me.

Nailed it. This is an allegory to decry fascism, not a “maga takes on the government” or “progressivism bands together to fight a political opponent” movie. Based on the opening stinger, my guess is that it takes a strong anti-complacency stance. A “this is what will happen if we keep electing fascists, and the people

If it puts your mind at ease: I have never read the books (despite loving Sci-fi; more of an HHGG kind of guy), and I only saw the first movie in this series (not the Lynch version), and I didn’t really feel like anything has been spoiled for me in the three trailers so far.

I don’t care what you think you know.

I don’t care what you think I’m not going to read.

This was the right thing to do, but a really boring and unemblematic way to go about it.

Oh man, this will be such a mildly humorous but really past its prime joke in the inevitable quest they make from it for GTA VII (estimated 2090).

lol. imagine not understanding how contracts work.

The argument against nazis is as simple as it is brief:

Damn right. You don’t use “good form” to lift a truck; you use a jack. You don’t use “persuasion” to convince a nazi; you use a punch. Once you’re no longer dealing with a nazi, then persuasion is a fine strategy. Until then, you’re trying to convince the nazi of your point and the nazi is already getting you to

I’m not betting against Miller but I know bullshit when I see it. I mean, can you name me something awesome that made you excited about the title character, in that trailer? In a movie named after Furiosa, why didn’t they show her with any actual agency in our reintroduction to her?
Because this trailer is about the

Ha ha! Yeah, that could be a nice little bonus mission, in order to unlock that feature!

Damn. I figured Gizmodo would give the whole context out of sheer schadenfreude. What a disappointment.

This is a noble suggestion, and I appreciate it, but it misses the point of having Rockstar do the remakes: they *should* be better.
I realize that’s a rich take after their remastered collection, but in-house didn’t work on that (or weren’t handling the nuts and bolts of it).

It’s hilarious that you think a company taking a $100 million hit per year is “exactly what they wanted”. It’s more favorable to them than many people would have liked, but you can rest assured that they would rather have not paid the Canadian government $100m/year.

With a feature to use the airports in the games to fly from one city to the others.

Fuck yeah!

You forgot the third theory:

Yeah, for sure! Pay it forward on other Kotaku articles where it’s applicable!