
Man, I really couldn’t care less about this, but I kind of figured that a huge amount of people did? Two hours after the post and no discussion whatsoever? Feels like maybe more people than I thought also don’t care about this.

Can’t wait to see that first high-quality dunk! (on imgur, or anywhere other than truth social)

No. It’s just not un-cool because I think it says something it didn’t say.

I hope they choke to death on it. And I hope Kotick just chokes to death. I know neither are likely, but it’s what they deserve. And I’m all for wishing for a world more deserving!

lol. i love how mad you are about this. stay wrong in the grays, nobody!

Yep. They’re pretty outspoken leftists. Would be hard to imagine them taking on a similar bent as Maher because he’s so much more autocratic which is more conservative aligned in pop culture.

Not to dash your hopes or anything, but Maher is a boomer-lite autocrat that prefers liberal autocracy to conservative autocracy (‘conservative autocrat’ = Dennis Miller). Those two dudes are birds of the same feather, just simping for different billionaires.

Not unless you can point out how Streaming Wars was less incisive, apt, or open-minded than South Park has previously been. They’re still on the top of their game.

There is, but the greed outpaces the growth. That’s the problem with late-stage capitalism investment schemes: when your pitch is “invest with us and make a ton of money”, the unspoken caveat is that the ton of money will be expected within a timeframe a single human can capitalize on.
Because that’s so attainable, if

That’s so funny! I always pronounced his name as “Useless Fucking Traitor/Defector”. Wild to see how differently people have been saying it!

There is. They’ll congratulate her on how she ‘put up with’ musk and was still able to accomplish whatever paper-shuffling bullshit she polishes and upholds as a ‘win’, as she exits.

Now playing

I don’t know how to tell you this but that robot CAN flip a burger. Quite well. Better than most people, in fact.

[...]playing into the hands of bad actors like Russia, China, and Iran, Kyle Morse,” Deputy Executive Director of the commission’s Tech Oversight said in a statement.

Appreciating the word, or ignorant to the usage? In case it’s the latter: it’s a bit ‘archaic’ but that’s the appropriate word for action that was described. One would (hopefully) never “pour” over a document; a spill could ruin your work! Instead, one might pore, very carefully, over a document.

since you seem to have trouble with context: if the DOJ is filing suit against a company, the implication is that they did something - however innocuous-seeming - in a way that a company is NOT supposed to.

“Facebook has just ruled themselves out,” he said. “They’re not the only fish in the sea here so we’ll just move to TikTok, or platforms where we know the students are going to be and hope that our broader audience will consider moving with us.”

Honestly, it feels great to have bought my last Activision title and my last Microsoft console! Kisses for all the haters that think I’ll miss anything worthwhile, or that want to dislike me because I’m going to be stealing from megacorporations. I think both companies just proved how little they need my money, so I’m

yes but x.com is a redirect; check the name in the address bar when the page is resolved.

of course you need to repeat yourself: you love to be the person speaking. shame that it’s not worth hearing, but that’s why you’re down here in the grays, trying to prove something to someone who has no intention of interacting with you earnestly again, since you are apparently too stupid to understand what ‘provide

i guess providing examples is not your strength. vague motions towards the evidence being not hard to find is not evidence, kiddo. =)