
Please. That’s just an unrealized idea.
The D.O.T.3 is a far superior platform with a satellite comlink, on-board pulse Doppler, and NEXRAD realtime.

“What in the name of flying foam phone cases is going on in here!?!”

Has that same kind of stumbly cadance as “pancaked by drunk dump truck driver”. I love it.

Can confirm. Not speaking about CFA one way or the other. But I contracted as a software developer for them, and the metrics they keep are insane. And I can tell you that there has not been a reported wait time of over 12 minutes since 2018. Cars wrapped around the building, down the street, and everything else. They

This is the smallest amount of nuance I’ve encountered that the mass public simply WILL NOT engage in.

Just took the survey. They didn’t ask for any identifiable information (not even an email address). Only data they collected was about the cats.

Undiscussed (but probably uncontroversial?) Opinion: VIDEO GAMES SHOULD NOT HAVE “CREDITS” LIKE MOVIES DO.

You’re not going to argue your way into a better understanding. The longer you stay here, clapping back, or trying to out-argue, or doing anything other than taking the cues and doing your won research, the longer you’ll be ignorant of the answers you are at least pretending to want.

Case in point. I condescend because your questions are about your own ego, rather than about learning anything.

Feels like you don’t understand that “deplatforming works”. But go off, hombre.

Apropos of a video game site, let me speak plainly:

You don’t seem to understand that the code on github doesn’t expose or alter the assets in any way?
The music being licensed doesn’t change the fact that it’s stored somewhere on your computer, when you have installed GTA.

This code just finds where you have that music and plays it. The same way GTA III does.
If what you

It definitely is NOT a legal gray area, you are right about that. But what you are claiming they did is not what they did.


Fuck TT. I hope they get hit with a SLAPP countersuit, since the project has already been taken down and then reinstated after legal review.

Agreed. Only that much more insufferable, because he still kept making better and better gameplay. So we never got his best narrative work with his best gameplay. Seems like such a waste.

Agreed. Something in the faces is just off. It has a “LazyTown” vibe, but it’s at least better than those dolls. Same effect, to a lesser extent, for me though.

The various visual flavors of the Turtles (and Miss O’Neal) sounds like a deep well of DLC content.

For my earnest friends out there: this is just a joke. This dude sucks a whole bunch, and I’ve written him off entirely. Hence “not knowing” who this is.


My money is on Strange having a bigger game plan/ulterior motive that he doesn’t clue Peter (or Wong) in on. Then, something goes crazy and he needs Peter’s help to reign it back in. Seems like how Marvel likes to play things so that their heroes don’t ever end up being ‘senseless assholes’. Just “assholes by