
And for all of us! Yay!

Not just me. The GameDev slack I’m a part of (has about 20 big-name game companies in it; 50 or so indies) is pretty fired up. We all heard who that demo was speaking to, even if consumers didn’t.

The caveat isn’t so concerning. I would be utterly shocked if the engine didn’t have some ability for developers to say “Okay, given these specs, give me the highest render you’ll make.”, and then only store that render data.
You still get instant import, you still can make the game at whatever fidelity you want, but

Just a person that’s worked on a lot of 3D game development.

Again, hard disagree.

Hard disagree. That’s why they kept bringing up how many polys were there. That was the MAIN focus, as far as I was concerned, because it’s the thing that will actually make a difference.

If we’re really lucky, he spilled the beans on THPS 6, and this is just their “return to form” to show why anyone should actually care about THPS 6.

Agreed. Came to this list to make sure that Iroh was number 1. When I saw Bob, I thought that was fine, so long as Iroh was some kind of bonus number, inexplicably better than one, as Iroh’s awesomeness is, itself, inexplicable.

It actually doesn’t matter how legally binding tweets are, nor what’s in the user agreement. Bait and Switch laws are largely predicated on marketing, so what shows up on the outside of the box or on commercials is more important than the terms of use. That’s... kind of why bait and switch laws were created - to help

You can decide that, sure, but you don’t even seem to realize the etymology behind “Once upon a time” and how it’s a version of “A long time ago...” (like...did you completely miss the “far far away” reference in Shrek 2? What did you think that was an allusion to?), so I doubt I would trust you over, say, George

Literally every movie begins with the phase, “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...”

MGS2 is still “Tactical Espionage Action” - exactly what MGS was (and what it says on the tin).

I love MGS2 and Wind Waker, and I think that The Last Jedi wasn’t a Star Wars movie. Though, I do actually like The Last Jedi. It’s just not what it’s trying to be, whereas MGS2 and Wind Waker still were.

See, I’m kinda on the opposite side of this. I think Filoni has GREAT narrative work, and a WONDERFUL understanding of what Star Wars is and what makes Star Wars good.

Ah, fucking of course! The revival earrings. I knew those would come in handy for something, but I’ve been avoiding them so long (in favor of stat buffs) I just forgot about them.

It is, if you understand what words mean. People awaiting trial haven’t been convicted of anything.

Don’t worry - you pretty much have to beat the game before you can get Bahamut.

The app Layla was forced to download upon her release, Guardian, is part of the latest wave of surveillance technologies utilized by enforcement agencies to monitor the recently incarcerated or those awaiting trial.

Maybe you missed the part where this app is used for people out on bail. As in, people who haven’t been convicted of a crime yet. And, because that’s the nature of trials, people who may never be convicted of a crime.

There are definitely types of men whom bond with children instantly. There’s a whole subset of dudes who see their child and instantly would kill/die for it.