

Fallen Order is far more Uncharted/Last of Us than Metroidvania and backtracking in Fallen Order feels more like backtracking in Uncharted/Last of Us than it does like backtracking in a Metroidvania.


Think about it... before, all that was shared on the network when doing a query was simple bits of information. Now, that same information represents about 1 or 2% of all that is returned by the server, everything else is HTML code, graphcis, and all.

Spoiler alert: This is not the game that makes VR happen. So putting it on VR is a shitty move.

What would you name the NB option?

Not to mention that it’s slower and, now that it’s a universal app, it’s harder to create a shortcut for it.

I never followed his work *before* his Sonic fame, because the first time I encountered him was his pre-Boxer Hockey sonic sprites, which you can still find at the good ol’ Spriter’s resource!

Chekov’s phaser.

There is no functional legal difference between ripping a game from a cartridge and downloading the game from online, or having a friend provide you with a ripped ROM.

So you’ve used shitty USB cables. Cool.

I am 100% a consumer-advocacy zealot.

I’ll take that as a “No, I don’t have any damn good reasons for the anti consumer practices. My only semi-decent reasoning is backwards compat, which is a problem that was manufactured by Microsoft when they used a proprietary power/data port instead of a dedicated power port and a dedicated open-standard data port.”

They’re no more fragile than a surface connect interface, size is only relevant to use cases and USB-C is large enough to add more pins (USB4.0/5.0/6.0 specs and beyond) but small enough to fit on smartphones so it handles almost every use case, and the universal part doesn’t have anything to do with where you put

They make magnetic USB-C connectors.

If you think this was a good apology, you’re going to have your mind blown when someone gives you an actual, sincere apology, one day.

Full-stack dev here; stronger in C# and JS than anything else (it’s what enterprise dev uses), but I’ve coded in most languages (with notable exceptions like Kotlin).

The options are exceedingly clear so long as you’re not being an obtuse dickhead.

I, too, have had to reassess my... let’s call it charity... in judging the mental faculties of my gung-ho associates. It’s hard to believe that people would line up so readily behind someone lying so obviously. But here we are.

Apple is getting is ass kicked in the enterprise sector by Android/ChromeOS tablets.
Running your restaurant’s mobile POSes on iPads is prohibitively expensive for the management tools that are free for Chrome/Android devices. And I don’t know of a single digital signage venture running on Apple products.