
I’m not asking you to pick anything. I’m agreeing with you that this is not a cut-and-dried situation where unions would have rightfully helped anything and adding on that rather than report about a nuanced situation such as this, it would probably best to ignore it since reporting accurately on it might give the

Listen. I’m not going to tell you which phone to buy.

Honestly, this is one of those really GOOD examples of when unions would be BAD.

That’s why I used the adjective “ostensibly”. It may or may not have been righteous, but the underlying situation is undoubtedly righteous.
Should the purchase have gone through, it MIGHT have not been an issue. But the dad MIGHT have called the CC company and said “Uh...I didn’t make this charge? What is this?”
The CC


It wasn’t a personal day, you disingenuous twat. They were at a 9/11 memorial, like their fucking republican counterparts should have been too.

You do when the scorpion is only on the frogs back at the behest of some other entity. Then you blame the scorpion for being a piece of shit, and the other entities for being the pieces of shit that paired up frogs and scorpions. And that analogy is pure trash anyway (suck it, Aesop) because scorpions don’t have

That’s not what the GOP said. They said they WOULD be conducting business, just no votes. Why not let them get the parliamentary nonsense out of the way? It’s an entirely reasonable thing to do which would prevent sealing the chamber from being an option.

Focusing your frustration on the wrong parties is a sure path to failure. For future reference: the people who directly and explicitly lied are the people who you should be frustrated at. The people who believed lies from elected congresspeople who are ostensibly working for the people are a hollow target for

Yeah. God forbid they expect to take some time off for remembrance events of our latest and most raw national tragedy. How dare they explicitly ask about doing so, and GET EXPLICITLY LIED TO about it, because they should KNOW not to trust the other side even when the other side stands to benefit from attending those

And I haven’t disagreed with that point. In fact I’ve agreed with it. I’ve only added the considerations of a) there actually being a crime committed that interested parties would act on (your initial post implied that the people who could press charges wouldn’t, which isn’t true for CC companies) and b) both the

Shut the fuck up, tomato.

Well, you’re welcome to test it out. Call your CC company as an “anonymous third party”, and report your SI for using a card that doesn’t belong to nir (yours). See what they have to say about it. /shrug

Have you no comment on adults injecting themselves into the lives of complete strangers who also happen to be underage?

This looks pretty cool and I’m looking forward to it. But I’m still looking forward to fans using the assets to make a real remake even moreso.

The credit card company would be the one to pursue federal charges against both the father and the daughter. They are both complicit in fraud. ANY person who “lends” their credit card to someone else is committing fraud. It gives them a plausible excuse to create uncertainty in the purchase. Everyone can stand around

Because Kinja is a shitty platform built by people who didn’t have a clue about social commenting, and built it in a monolithic way that is now next to impossible to “fix” without having cascading effects that take them days to clean up.

I’ve provided every bit as much evidence as you have for the contrary.

There is no one clause because it’s spread out amongst multiple clauses detailing all the various ways that antitrust suits can resolve. Antitrust suits allow for WIDE latitude with punishment, including injunctions (they could literally get an injunction that says ‘stop making cars that meet X standards’), consumer

Sorry, what you’re saying doesn’t reconcile with the fact that, should automakers lose an antitrust suit against them, they could absolutely be forced to make dirtier cars. The government has that authority. And since they haven’t filed suit, yet, so we have no idea what results the DOJ is going after, you can’t tell