
Just to head off too many idiots at the pass: The “well-regulated militia” clause does not IN ANY WAY limit the right to bear arms to a militia. It only makes clear that while everyone can have guns, they can ALSO form a militia - because one of the founding fathers was certain that future lawmakers would use that as


You’ve got yourself a lot of value statements there, but not a lot of logical or reasonable induction/deduction to get you to them.

Absolutely not.

But what if with cat lyrics?

The problem, as discussed downthread, is one easily solved with context. Just a little historical marker to properly contextualize the intended and actual meanings of the statues, along with a writeup about the levels of racism that must have been present in order for the statues to be in existence.

Someone always does. -_-

I worked for CFA inside their HQ in Atlanta. I know CFA very well. And while I will say that a lot of bullshit gets hurled at CFA and not all of it is reasonable, I’ll ALSO say that Paul is absolutely full of shit. He’s deluding himself either as to what the CFA owners are doing, or as to how stupid people are. Either

Get a load of this fucking chump:

Personally, I’m still for leaving the cheap, worthless statues. I seek no value in the statues themselves, but rather what they say about the people and places where they exist. Context goes a long way and replacing those statues’ preferred words of ostensible praise for ‘heroes’ with the more accurate descriptions of

OTOH: I have always said leave the fucking statues where they were because they are a good reminder of not only slavery being bad, but just how caught up in white supremacy people were to actually erect statues of fucking racists. They shouldn’t be able to hide from that. Taking the statues down is akin to pretending

That is what I meant, yes.

This story doesn’t really deal with the same type of exploit. Obviously the ALPR databases are sanitized. Otherwise you’d get errors coercing DBNULL with a string “NULL” or a programmatic (.NET) null value.

OP spends a whole thread pissing and moaning about nir poor understanding of a subject, then fails to address the person who points this out to nym.
Yep. Sounds like the internet.

ITT: A bunch of people who don’t seem to realize that most “hacking” is done via social engineering, just like this creator did. 

Damn. I like Warren, but now I have a pretty good reason to dislike her. She’s so close, but so far. Lets hope, if she becomes president, someone disabuses her of this awful plan.

Now playing

Oi. I like to remind people that THIS is what a “normal” pack of hogs looks like:

The trick with money is that you almost never need to do math; you only need to count.

OP’s not interested in actual musical creativity. Ne’s just shitposting because ne recently saw a video that ne took the wrong message from and wanted to share nis ignorance with everyone.
Note that he didn’t engage with my comment telling him the same things.

So you didn’t understand the point of the video and you don’t understand creativity in music composition (or any finite dataset)?