HandEgg lost his burner key

Racist?  lol

You don’t have to suffer, hot shot.  Make changes in your own life like Fitzpatrick is trying to do.

Oohhhh nooo

Just being at a chili tasting event is reward enough.  Way to go for it!

I’m a casual enough fan of the MCU, but is that how you pronounce Thanos?

You gotta check the video he tweeted out..

Ah. Ok? But Warren isn't *much of a change from Bernie. She's certainly a change from Trump, who is straight unpredictable d2d. Figure they'd be willing to play ball with a consistent regulatory dem over a spastic dotard..

Where’s that guy been?!

Incredible. +1

I took it as positive statement that they support?

Bernie’s ad in PA for 2016 dealt with all the banks, and he was point blank.  “Will they like me?  No.  ..But they’ll learn to play by the rules.”  I hope Warren continues that brutal honesty with what exactly will happen.

Found ‘Knight’s Head’ in 2008 for $9.99 a case.  Those bastards had the gall to put the definition to nobility around the neck of those bottles.  It was like if Lion’s head was intentionally skunked (more).

He oftentimes got to stay in coaching staff meetings on account of his facial hair, not even being discovered when his only contribution to the discourse was “Hell yeah, brother..”

Harrisburg has just as many Steelers fans as they might have for the Eagles (it was probably more skewed when local boy Shady was on the Birds, I reckon)

..or does Philadelphia have two Karate Marks? I reached out to a man named Classic Jeff and he confirmed it for me: There is only one Karate Mark.

In Arkansas you think a Dem would win?  Or are you just talking about votes at the moment..

Wait, fentanyl killed Prince AND Tom Petty?!  I must have missed that.  Jesus, enough is enough.  If you’re going to have a ‘war on drugs’ let’s get this garbage off the streets NOW, then we can worry about how scared Republicans are of marijuana..

Heh, ‘gagging’, ‘blow’...

Cowboys fan who has braved the Linc.  Can confirm these rules.  My goal is to not be the most noticeable/obnoxious visiting fan in my section.  Let someone else be the focus of every drunk aggressor..

Every division has a lousy team or two, but the AFC East has three.