HandEgg lost his burner key

And didn’t have the balls to invoke the 25th Amendment, of which there has been no clearer case in Presidential History than 1/6/2021

He’s on the hook for $1bn last I checked

This right here

“Regardless of which Republican it is,” she said, “I have yet to hear them articulate a plan for the future of Georgia.”

Smalls was joined alongside Teamsters General President Sean O’Brien, Good Jobs First, Executive Director Greg LeRoy, and Government Accountability Office Director of Education, Workforce, and Income Security, Thomas Costa, who provided their own testimonies.

And somehow Gideon’s out of state funding is more problematic than Collins’?

For what it’s worth, Gideon also received significant out-of-state funding.

With just a quick perusal of the LaBrants’ page, you’ll see everything from a trip to the water park, cuddles with their dog Carl, Everleigh’s surprise birthday party, and more.

Bullshit. A company as large and influential as Disney could have halted this legislation before DeSantis signed it.

Exactly. Now that is law they’re trying to save face. Weak-ass shit for ‘The Mouse’

Well, a not insignificant portion of the 13 million people who tuned in would have had to turn the Oscars on *after* this event that you are implying was staged. So.....

It’s never good to see your Senator’s name next to the wrong side of an argument. Dammit, Senator Casey... why can’t you be the Democrat that PA wants you to be?!

Timmy McKimmy

When he chummed the waters, he was campaigning in a fairly contentious primary. Made the promise to get headlines and draw Democratic voters’ attention. It worked, and he followed through on his promise. This is a net good for Biden (in spite of the GQP horseshit).

“actually. fuck that. our charity will instead now be... my bank account. cya nerds.”

Absolutely. One spoonful went right in the milk, one went in the mouth. Rinse, repeat.

Squires tweeted on January 6

“And it’s December 30th. If you’re not convinced we’re living in the midst of a climate crisis, wake the fuck up.”

I think the most disappointing thing about Sinema is that she is a class traitor. Former member of the Green Party; former Social Worker; not born into immense wealth like that other obstructionist Democratic senator; campaigned on popular progressive causes, etc.

All that, and now she is opposed to raising taxes on

As far as chain restaurants making an honest effort at a specialty meat product, I’m much more inclined to try this from Chipotle than other fast food or fast casual options.