HandEgg lost his burner key

Welcome, new writers.  This is a fun little corner of the [whoever currently owns them] media universe, and I look forward to reading (and commenting on!) your work :-)

Exactly. Turnabout is fair play. They hammered Hillary for years (she did herself few favors) and it cost this country in 2016. Remind every ‘moderate’ and ‘centrist’ while also firing up the progressives by repeatedly reminding everyone of his corruption and awful policies. Let the primary chips fall where they may

I’d offer that Honky has become cracker of the north.  The largest gatherings might still be in the cities, but they’ve branched out to include the countryside.

Yo what in the actual FUCK is going on, besides:

Lebanese Food* not foot godammit

They’re playing the long moderate/neo-liberal con. Turnout in 2020 is going to be enormous, and the Democratic nominee will win.  If it’s Biden or some moderate shit, the status quo more or less remains.  If it’s Warren, Bernie, or someone else further from center, the reckoning will come for both conservatives and

I make it a point to grab some Lebanese foot at the local festival every year. Chicken and Rice, Kibbeh (raw and cooked), hummus, taboulli, zatar, grape leaves and of course the garlic sauce with some grilled chicken *swoon*  (probably not spelling any of these correctly but whatever, I’m here for the taste!)

Different strokes for different folks, miss Katie

Just go full boar and don’t recruit black players, you idiot coach.  Good luck with that..

It’s blue, but it’s political machine blue. Christie, the former governor was a Republican who beast a Dem incumbent who supremely sucked at the time. 

Definitely submitting during the season this year

BBCO is still my favorite in that state, but obviously Hill Farmstead is incredible

Not literally..

A true gem from early Youtube

The Chargers and Rams WYTS this year have just reminded me of how much other coaches just absolutely underthink when playing the Pats. How the fuck do you not try and mix it up against the most dominant sports franchise/coach of the past 20 years?


It’s only going to get worse as those who studied religion see the light - so to speak - and embrace progressive causes. Not a one of those evangelical dipshits from my hometown can outsmart me on biblical history, so I’ll call them on their bullshit every day, and twice on Sunday.

*sigh* I guess maybe it's that you're trying to give everything Trump says equal weight with what his own administration argued in court? Or you're focused only on his Twitter use and not the ruling itself? Or because you're citing things from 2 years ago and not the ruling in July? Either way, my initial post was

The pic is the thing you're missing..

You’re misunderstanding my statements and ignoring the actual ruling. And again, his administration has argued both ways (citation above)