HandEgg lost his burner key

I don’t understand your first sentence. I think the entire argument against him being allowed to ban people is that OTHER people are arguing it is used for official business?

This came up in local political discussions of a city nearby. As the ruling currently reads, it's less about constituency and more about the function of the social media itself. I.e., someone from a neighboring township probably couldn't be blocked by a city mayor on the grounds that the township resident is not a

That’s all well and good that she’s said it’s a private account, but she has more or less proposed policy and done other functions of her official duties via that Twitter handle.

IIRC the last ruling against the Trump Twitterer stated that if you use the social media account to advocate for or otherwise execute your duties as an elected official you may not be able to block anyone. I think that ruling was way too broad and did not account for differences between social media platforms. 

Alabama of today is a far cry from the Alabama of the 1960s.”

And actually winning games, which Clowney would help with!

THIS.  All you’ve done is given more chum for the ‘fake news’ idiots (and cover for Republican reps that definitely know better).  Get your shit together BEFORE you try to drop the bombshell.

If you think the body’s performance on cigarettes is the same as marijuana, you should remove yourself from the rest of this conversation.

Ours was worse. I don’t remember the exact distance but it had to be 30 yards between defender and runner, maybe 15 yards across. The idea was that the runner get by the defender via juke, etc. but more often than it should have, the runner would just opt to go through the other guy. Wild shit..

They also had that dipshit that said Slavery was an ‘economic’ decision and not racist.  Ok, guy..

Really, I’m just mad at being reminded that the Chargers didn’t bother to show up against the goddamn Pats when it could have been a great game (and maybe Chargers win!). At least those coaches that overthink when they play the Pats are TRYING. Keeping the same game plan that got all sorts of attention the week

Shut up, Tomato!

In that case, the kids are alright ;-)

Poor mix job, but I appreciate the effort

Dark meat is superior to white meat in all birds


Eh, I’ve met one friend my age (30s) that is pro-Biden but only for the electability concerns you don’t want to hear. She considers most of older/centrist America post-2016 to be a bunch of idiots who, if they’ll accept change at all, will only accept it in the smallest increments...

Truth in headlines: this is dumb af

Years ago, another new hire was a huge football fan (having played in HS and college and looking to coach locally). He was absolutely adamant that the NFL should have a weight limit.

His reasoning is more sound the longer it’s been: We have reached a point of peak physical fitness, and it is absolutely insane to allow

More than half of congress would keel over if they had to do that amount of cardio.