HandEgg lost his burner key

For real.  I think he can take some passive aggressive bullshit after dealing with Baltimore.

Wtf are you going on about, Don Draper? Flip flops can be comfy as fuck and pair well with shorts every goddamn day in the summertime, I thank ya

This username checks out.  Back to Barstool with you!

Curious that it wasn’t in the curriculum. I think that sort of shameful hiding of past sins is at least partly responsible for the rise of nationalism nowadays. “We’ve always been great” is hard to justify once you take an in-depth look at the consequences of our country’s actions. When first confronted with such

Fucking hell, bravo man

Hey now, he learned his lesson.  His son, Chozen, would tell you!

Every athlete that pulls out that stupid fucking ‘wolves don’t care about the opinion of sheep’ should be slapped into next week.

That’s not the argument at all.  Against their peers, they are the superior team and deserve commensurate compensation.

Also, I think Peyton fucking Manning doesn’t need to meet with you on that TUESDAY, for God’s sake.

Kicking the door down in this thread.  Bravo.

There’s been a few throughout history, I believe.

The USMNT missed the last World Cup and the USWNT has never placed lower than 3rd. Fuck equal pay, they deserve back pay.

That is a... very sad circle-jerk

Reminder to any PA commenters that you will have the pleasure to vote against him November, 2022.

I’m ok with this.  They can join all the boomers who are hopefully fucking off this earth in great numbers.

Lol she doesn’t even want an ambulance that he calls for her. Defiant for defiant’s sake.

Each day we stray further from God’s light.


I was in [sic] coma for two weeks last winter and the nicest thing about it was that I never once thought of the Bills.
