HandEgg lost his burner key

 Acid washing emails. As one does. 

The stadium is held in the fartiest part of town

Would also love to see most charter school’s overhead costs for administrators compared to the nearby public school. Around these parts the superintendents make comparable cash to one another but the powerless charter school teachers make less money. Who knew?

Entirely possible.  If he was there with someone else, then they share the blame for his actions.

Just read up on that incident.  Not cool at all

Found the Russky!

HA!  Ratto and Burneko LOVED it though!  (I kid; they’re both solid)

I will never not die when watching this gif

I do not travel very often, but hear this:

How well do you think the national Democratic Party is doing on these issues?

Much like Burneko, Ratto occasionally writes sentences or entire paragraphs that seem to be a challenge to themselves. To see just *how* humorous or relatable they can make some tangential statement. The more words the better, no matter if it relates to the original subject or not. Also much like Burneko, more of his

Right after Nathan Fucking Peterman was signed I knew it was collusion. Kaep had a slight decline in his talent from when he started protesting; Shapiro will gleefully and nasally point this fact out. But all 32 franchises in the NFL have almost NEVER been in absolute lockstep about a player not being picked up by

Don’t even joke about that!

There’s something so simple and so funny about this. Linstedt physically looks immediately deflated/disappointed but then just shakes it off and high fives her to move on. Seeing all that body language in 10 seconds is entertaining.  It’s like when a toddler cracks a parent in the kneecap.

For his part, Martin is insistent that it was a misconstrued, carefully edited prank video and nothing more. Also a professional DJ, he adds that he “has lost thousands of dollars in deposits after the video went viral.”

Great. Some Democratic dick swinging between two of the bigger names in the state party right now. Just what we need prior to an election year.

secured Epstein a generous non-prosecution agreement from prosecutors that was kept secret from his victims for over a year. According to that agreement, which was granted by then-U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida Alexander Acosta, who now serves as Donald Trump’s labor secretary, Epstein served only

I only got to watch the final in its entirety. I was very impressed with Dunn from beginning to end.  I actually thought Lavelle was trying to be too cute early in the match. But when she scored everything obviously came together for her!