HandEgg lost his burner key

Their haul is unfathomable to me (though I only just dove back into NBA fandom a little over a year ago).  Do they use some of those immediately to trade for help for Westbrook this year..?

Thank You for this.  Please now do all minor league teams, of which there are sure to be some fantastically awful logos.

I came here for this!  Fix the fucking gloves!

Touche, I learned something.

This is exactly it. Forfeiture of salaries.

That Snickers commercial is an all-time great.  Long live the Chefs!

This is true.  My expensive tickets were made even more disappointing by learning most of the leads took the night off.  An understudy or two and broadway can usually still wow you, but not that night..

Maybe we’re trying to keep the conditions from getting that bad, MEGAN.

Now playing

I prefer this, as it has never failed me (works with less than a full head, too):

This is a good guess. 2022 is far away, but I bet he’s still sour about losing to Toomey in 2010.

As I said above, I would’ve preferred him to ‘Shady’ Katie McGinty, who was hammered in ads every single day for like months here in 2016 when she ran against Toomey.

If nothing else, this is marginally interesting for the PA Dem. primary. Biden is from Scranton (which is huge Trump country along with the rest of Pennsyltucky), Sestak has name recognition in the Philly burbs. Booker, Biden, Gillibrand and Brown are all from neighboring states, too.

I would’ve preferred Sestak get an

I’ve heard it both ways tbh.  PS - I love your username

Username checks out

Allison had this thing locked up with Lucky Charms (falling to the no. 2 pick?!) and then threw it all away by drafting corn flakes and granola.

It’s in 2020

Allentown is fine.  Reading is very much not.

Both H&R and TurboTax would routinely hound me to upgrade to a paid product. When this inevitably happened and I was signed up to pay to file, I just switched to the other program. My taxes from the early aughts went back and forth between being filed by those companies.

Last year, both wanted to charge me to file one

1.) Florida man. Of course.