HandEgg lost his burner key

“That’s why we’ve got to pray, because they think we’re crazy. But we’re actually the sane ones so we’re praying,”

Steve Bullock is one of the larger offenders here; he could easily be a viable Senate candidate.

At this point, Deadspin’s obsession with Robert Kraft’s penis and whether or not the public will see it is becoming worrisome.

This is what my friend and I pondered last night.  Davis, Zion and Jrue Holliday (the only other Pelican I can name without looking it up) is a pretty solid trio to build from, and would be fun as hell.

Whoa now! Brown shoes can go with a blue suit there, GQ.

I think a charismatic running mate might help him appeal to more people. Also, though I think voters are generally dumb (see: 2016), I think that Trump has and will continue to hurt enough people that he will lose even more rank-and-file Republican support by the time 2020 comes around.

I’m personally not super

Nor do they vote in the Democratic primaries

I’ll say it for you.  The blame is laid at the feet of Boomers, who can (mostly) go to Hell.

“She was determined to get to the ice cream machine first.”


No, saying Pete is almost like Trump is dumb as shit.  The rest of your arguments are somewhat valid, but if that’s where you’re starting from I’m not going to take you seriously.  You do seem thirsty to shit on Pete though, if this comment section is any indication..


Surprised you didn’t mention Pelosi this time.  Improvement!

About time you get to (somewhat) valid criticism instead of the bullshit ‘mediocre’ line.  But tell me more about all of Bernie’s sponsored bills that became law?  

Cool, now these knuckleheads will be overworked and that much more irritable.  Pencil in a few more black people shot under dubious circumstances..

Then what was the joke he was making, if not for the obvious racism?  Royals are no better than animals?  Americans?  Women birth animals?  Fuck this guy forever, he knew what he was doing..

+1 trip to Hell

I’d settle for someone just monitoring what the fuck he eats.

This take is dumb as shit.

That doesn’t explain the Bernie loving, now does it?

(Also, Pete’s not my first choice, but I love the fact that you think a polyglot, Rhodes scholar, mayor in his 30s is mediocre. Your standards are through the fucking ROOF lol)

Sure, a 7 footer dunking a basketball is not impressive. But you act as if there isn’t literally another 7-footer trying to physically stop him (or any player with leaping ability over, say, 6'8"). And you’re just blatantly ignoring things like shooting a ball into a hoop from 22+ feet away with or without being