HandEgg lost his burner key

Right?  Personally, I’m hoping this campaign elevates him enough to run in an Indiana Senate Race down the road, maybe 2024.  But if he survives the 20+ person gauntlet to be the Democratic nominee, I think we can do much worse!  Wtf Splinter

To quote my math teacher colleague: “The answer’s 9, but the notation is stupid.”

Boston numbskulls bitching about some other accent.  This is the darkest timeline..

Like AOC would ever touch this scumbag..

The President himself doesn’t meet that standard on account of all his trips to his shitty resorts (disregarding any trips of *actual* importance he takes).

I shudder to think what they are planning on doing with pants gator and the 42 turtles.  PS - is it allowable to gather upwards of 40 turtles just ‘because’?  I figure that would be some sort of environmental no-no as well

No one teaches that, silly.  But reacting to a dude who was clearly *also* being a jerk is pretty standard operating procedure (much to the chagrin of many a coach).

Headphones in, getting goosebumps as we speak!  JFC I have to go see this movie AGAIN..

Huh.. I don’t remember any of my coaches saying “when you box a guy out and he falls over, just keep backing the fuck up to the point where you almost step on him; there will be no consequences for this commitment to defensive fundamentals.”  Maybe I just missed practice that day.

Not sure why women support this man and by women I mean the 53 percent of white women who marched for women’s rights wearing pink pussy hats (that the president would grab if given the chance) and after having gone into the voting booth and voted for this walking bag of pig vomit.

Well said. I’m 33 years old and went to see the first Iron Man the day I graduated from college. I have literally spent a third of my life anticipating - and then mostly enjoying - each release from the MCU that led to this movie.

I appreciated the ‘fan service’ or whatever du jour term we’re using to say that this

OTOH, I’m also curious about the events that happen *inside* the stadiums where 911 isn’t necessarily called because stadium security and/or the cops on duty handle it.

Eh, Lowry was being a prick, you can see it in both videos.

There was also pretty depressed voter turnout overall stemming from the fact that his opponent was pretty polarizing to the dominant party (even in Alabama!) Take solace in knowing he’s doing better than Roy Moore would to resist Trump’s terrible agenda.

Fair point.  And now I’m more depressed.  Thanks Matt! ;)

I could see covfefe being an honorable mention, though.

But don’t you think that that Trump will continue to alienate all but his most diehard supporters? Sure he’ll be an incumbent President but nothing about this is normal and/or should be played like politics have been for decades. Someone with Beto’s or Stacey’s popularity can energize their respective bases against

Agreed.  At least Jones I can understand; he’s up for re-election against a most likely *not* pedophile opponent in a deep red and deeply stupid state.  I get that he has to mince words.  Not her, though.

Eh.  He’s a Democrat in Alabama with huge crosshairs on his back.  It sucks that he has to walk this line but that’s the reality of running for office in that state (under 1 of the 2 major parties).

Hey now!  He should also go right to Hell, and you forgot to mention that!