HandEgg lost his burner key

Jersey drivers are trash. 85mph isn’t fast enough for them, except when it’s drizzling, windy, there’s something shiny on the shoulder, or the sun is rising/setting... then they’re scared clowns whose failure to use turn signals becomes even more of a liability.

Or the expletives and shirtlessness of the guy, maybe.

This is amazing

Mind sharing the state so that we can know our (Democratic Governor) traitor?

Uhh, her career kinda limits her from going scorched earth on a petty restaurateur who had his feelings hurt by her (not even that bad) 3.5* review of another establishment. It was an appropriate balance of petty and professional.

Nah, turnabout is fair play.  They were petty, she was petty.  I happen to like hers better, but to each their own.

It’s ugly because it’s a chocolate duck with pink shit splattered on it.  Full stop.


PROS - Mostly good rationale for each topping pick, even if they are not to my liking.

CONS - The final burger for each person seemed to contain some flavor contradiction/combo that wouldn’t work (e.g. mustard AND avocado on the same burger? who hurt you?)

Negative.  20% is the new normal.  Join us!

20%. Drop a few percentage points if things within your server’s control stink (not attentive, no drink refills, condescending, etc.) But do not fault the server for kitchen issues.

Right?  Nothing about that beer seemed like a joke at all.  Can’t say the same for Alchemist’s April 1st post in which they were brewing a Guacamole IPA.

Cape May Brewery was the first one I visited that had a ‘self-guided’ tour that you must walk through before sampling their beer.  Neat set-up, but I remember thinking it was just.. odd.

Wow, talk about an inferiority complex.  West coasters don’t brew NEIPAs on principle?  Lol, glad I live on the superior coast (for beer).

If a school can’t keep a 10 year old from dying, they deserve the scorched earth tactics.

I can’t imagine.  Not only would I drop a mint suing this school district to the moon and back, I might be tempted to take out my white hot rage on an administrator’s face.

My fear is that the more cooks in the kitchen, the more the Democratic primary favors someone with, say, years of name recognition.  That might be a creep.  And should be on their way out.. Even if they haven’t technically announced yet..

Ohhh man

Yeah, from what I’ve observed/seen on tv specials, the larger the burger, the better chance that badboy is well. done.