HandEgg lost his burner key

Things are pretty fucked (on a whole bunch of levels) if your economy is kept afloat by denying a population their freedom.

Facts don’t lie.

That’s my Congressional representative! She’s just a career lawyer who helped start to clean up the mess in the district’s largest city after the incumbent mayor was indicted on federal corruption charges

That’s a weird “toe in the water” amount of $ for a bribe.  Now I have to investigate if my Congresswoman Susan Wild voted against this thing?! (I doubt she did..)

It’s weird that you don’t.

Ah yes, my bad.  The South is a lot more racially tolerant than they let on.

Yes, it’s a reason Dems lose the south.  They’re not leftist enough for the electorate who would embrace all progressive programs with open, racist, poorly-educated arms...

This.  Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell did lasting damage to a system that they both benefited from BIGLY.  It should be on every ad in the midwest IMHO.

Hey, one of the Libertarian platypi (?) is now running against Trump as a Republican!  Bill Weld will siphon off at LEAST a dozen votes from him!

Embiid lightly passed the ball to the Bucks guard as a slight taunt for what he did

Uhh, no.  You know how you control a classroom of kids - all males, even - when there has been a revenge porn incident?  You write the first two wisecrackers up for bullying, sexual harassment, insubordination, class disruptions, ETC. and kick their ass down to either in-school or out-of-school suspension.  Kids will


lol this is perfect

Erratic behavior for a guy who since then has *checks notes* made a sophomoric joke about drugs regarding the stock price of one of his companies, and recently released a rap tribute to a deceased gorilla from 2016.

Those stories are wild.  Love hearing about that stuff

Exactly.  Also, curious rhetoric by Gaetz there: talking about ‘bad actors’ and then using President Trump as an example?  HMMM


Congratulations, you evaded the crosshairs of a serial killer.

Yes! Always the left for me. I definitely used to alternate but not for years now.

What if - and hear me out here - both things were bad?