My feedback to ABC:
My feedback to ABC:
As a side note, who knew that Tom Arnold would end up being the voice of reason?
“They may look like everyone else around them — rich, white, popular and powerful — but these Hollywood stars hold conservative beliefs, making them even more persecuted minorities than the blacks, Jews, Muslims and refugees they angrily denounce on social media”
There go those simple salt of the earth folks like Rosanne Barr and DJTJ sticking it to all those rich, elitist, fat cats.
This Soros-was-a-Nazi stuff seems insane to me (because it is). Putting aside that he basically was pretending to not be Jewish so he wouldn’t be sent to a camp, it seems like it would be hard for a 12-15 year old to steal all the Jews’ wealth for himself.
“I am now leaving Twitter”
“Chelsea, V sorry to make a mistake statement. BTW did you know Obama is space lizard muslim/god emprorer of deep state? Sad but true!
Meanwhile Eric Trump still retweets the old fashion way
So weird that Roseanne would be feeling such economic insecurity when her show was just picked up for a second season.
Yeah, AB applied to trademark them but never rolled out “other 312s.” Fun fact I learned from Josh’s book: That trademark application is what inspired Firestone-Walker to name its blonde ale 805.
While watching the opening ceremonies from Vegas I was wondering when they’d just give up the pretense and start playing Spinal Tap’s Stonehenge.
I’m an immigration lawyer and an immigration advocate. I am in 100% agreement with the Twitter thread.
maybe they should have the defendant behind a screen, like orchestra auditions, so judge and jury aren’t biased by appearance
In my years bagging groceries we never had a cashier do anything like this, thank God, but customers behind WIC and EBT users said stuff pretty frequently. Remarks about how long it took to ring them up, “why do they have those kids if they can’t pay for them,” etc.
I bet the odds are very good that cashier also uses WIC to make ends meet and we are seeing an epic case of projection here.
““’That’s why they have babies, so they can keep on getting all of the free stuff’,” Carroll said the cashier told her.”
Virginia is a purple state, but the election for Governor and the House of Delegates showed that Democrats can win this November, even in GOP-leaning districts.
“I am a good man and I am an alcoholic,” Virginia Rep. Tom Garrett says
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