
I think it’s pretty fucking clear that we’ve decided to be a country where a man who is a an angry, bullying, thin skinned, ignorant, racist, narcissistic, materialistic, pathological lying, sexual abusing, Nazi loving, Russian backed, sociopathic asshole piece of shit, is far preferable to many people as President

Rapists and Child Molesters

He makes his free throws, so probably not.

I’ve never seen 37 points in a conference finals look so easy.

And they only won 65 games and the #1 seed by 7 games! Fuckin’ suckers.

he admitted he was 7'0 back in 2016 (i think) with shoes on, but his arms look long as hell so his reach is probably even longer than that

Nothing says well thought out idea like putting a bunch of small text on the back of a bus sandwiched between “Stay back 1000 feet.”

It’s a two-fold “problem”: he’s the only player in league history who can get whatever shot he wants AND who is comfortable taking whatever shot he can get. He’s more than happy to shoot from 25 feet, happy to shoot from 15, happy to shoot from in close. There are no rim protectors in the league anymore, he can

I think he’s saying “even an asshole would be better than this guy as described.” What you’re saying is “yeah but wouldn’t you rather have a GOOD boss?” Not mutually exclusive.

Why, you could almost say that not all isolations are equal.

brass bust of testicles

“David Tepper is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.”

Yes, you’re right, literally the only option for a team with two top-shelf penetrators and passers on it is to have those two top-shelf penetrators and passers take turns dribbling away the shot-clock so they can crank up contested jumpers.

They need to revamp their image and start catering to a younger crowd. I think Harley is too old school for that ICQ/MySpace era.

“....like dedicating a year of your life to perfecting the craft of flipping a light switch.”

I agree with all of this. Two additional things:

Hey, look! Somebody who’s never been to Missouri!

Liftin n Griftin.

In the scheme of likely outcomes in the Missouri Senate race, going for “ dump her ghoul ass and try to get a Dem who cares about human life above corporations and warfare” probably means handing ripped Bobby Newport here the election.

According to this interview, yep.