
Counterpoint: It’s important to highlight when this happens and call thin-skinned billionaires/politicians on their bullshit.

I hadn’t even considered him going to Milwaukee. Him and Giannis would be fun. Ditto him and Davis in Nola


Get the Fuck right outta here with this garbage lol... I’ve certainly not been to every region’s gas station chains but those two are superior to any of the others I’ve experienced. You too, if you’re being at all honest with yourself (unless you ordered... I have no idea.. a raw burger dropped on the floor?)


Sheetz, Wawa, White Castle... Your take is bad and wrong. (Northeast, that is)

Yeah, Sheetz and White Castle, although I dig late night Wendy’s as well

Is that you, Chid?

And the food at both places is solid

It’s an affront to God that this man’s vote counts the same as, say, mine.

I can’t find it at the moment, but I was rather discouraged to (finally) read Alexander Hamilton’s view on the Senate. My reading of it was that he was ok with the elite keeping a firm grasp on government via The Senate, because it was less susceptible to the ebb and flow of impulsive voters. A self-made man coming to

I don’t think you can equate Mensch to a former ambassador to Russia who might know about that country’s interests, and quite frankly, I’m having a hard time disagreeing with what he said about both the Iran deal and the Paris accords.

“Decent coach, I guess” ...My man, I’ve got news for you...

PG Roomba for life

Yeah. Said he wouldn’t call timeout in that situation (that is, with a young team getting their dick kicked off during Boston’s 2nd quarter run). I mean, when Charles makes you look dumb by comparison, idk

Each day we move further from God

I live close to NJ, but I gotta tell you: in my experience buying booze outside of PA (CT, NJ, NY, DE, MD), I’ve never found a real bargain. If anything, I’ve paid more for the good stuff outside of the state.

Because we live in the weirdest and darkest timeline I submit - based on his photograph alone - that this whole ‘Florida Man’ thing is a conspiracy by crazy people to try and keep people from coming to their state. This is not a picture of a crazy person; you have to try to look that nuts.

Agreed. I had money on Iron Man being toast. Did NOT see Black Panther falling victim to ‘the balance’

Can we talk about that ashing? I thought it looked almost like very tiny leaves instead of the typical ‘charred, disintegrating stuff’ that usually happens. The animation was soothing, even as ten years of my life were being traumatized...