
I’m still holding out hope for Hannibal Buress

Denying her a voice is bad enough, ...but why the fuck would you memorialize the location of this horrific event?

I liked Joe Sestak. I’m so pissed he lost to - if you believe the commercials from 2016 - ‘Shady’ Katie McGinty.

TIL that the new Chewbacca is a former PSU bball player


How can you both defend mayo AND not appreciate the best wayt o use mayo (on sandwiches)? Incredible

I’m here for Super Troopers 2. And FWIW, I enjoyed The Slammin’ Salmon as well. And Beerfest!

Re: Dishwasher. I have a magnet on the front. If it’s right side up, the dishes are clean. If it’s upside down, they’re dirty. Don’t waste the cup!


He does not deserve to be paralyzed. OTOH, perhaps not leading with your head would have been advisable.

This shit is insane, and I can’t believe it keeps happening. I feel like various governments in South America should be dealing with this (though to be completely fair they have their hands full with a variety of issues).

Twenty-one-year-old Brooklyn-based rapper 6ix9ine (a.k.a. Teka$hi 6ix9ine a.k.a. Tekashi69)

TIL what a bhenchod is

Oh for sure. When they asked Trump his favorite book of The Bible he responded in 2nd grade fashion. “Oh...all of them. I love them all.”

He doesn’t know shit about Christianity or being a Christian, and they all followed the flagbearer of ‘The Party’ in lock-step.

Well, it’s not mitigation per se, but not allowing fucking grenades and guns on giant metal tubes in the sky seems like they’ve stopped at least some bad things from happening.

Ditto for when Trump was elected. I thought about the church family I had growing up - wonderful, wholesome, people - and to know that 90%+ voted with ‘The Party’ was a really sad moment.

+2 fingers, neat

Republican voters were slightly more motivated to vote in several key states in an otherwise apathetic election with two historically disliked candidates. I’m really hoping that’s the story of 2016, and that this awakened liberals enough to run and/or support Dems fucking EVERYWHERE over the next 2+ years.

You roll with Foles this week. In theory, he is at least somewhat familiar with the playbook and the reps at first team should help. Also, they’re playing the Giants.

Thing is, my next point was going to be if Foles struggles, maye you sign Kaep. But really, signing Kaep is a good choice no matter what. Foles playing