Please tell me more about myself, stranger on the internet who doesn’t even use their real name.
Please tell me more about myself, stranger on the internet who doesn’t even use their real name.
This is rape.
On the anniversary of the shooting of 18 year-old Michael Brown by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson, another…
Why should anything that someone chooses to do, and enjoys doing to the point of writing about it, make you sad? Why so patronizing?
I have been obsessed with beauty products since I was a wee child. From Bonnie Bell peel-off nail polish to Wet ‘N’…
tbh, I think this kind of thing is even worse than hitting your kids. When someone hits when they are angry, that is TERRIBLE but it shows poor impulse control. When you set up these humiliating situations and share them with the public, it takes some time and thought to execute, and that just shows a sadistic mind.…
10/10 would watch
“and the poor parking lot guy got the crap kicked out of him for the crime of wanting Taco Bell” Admittedly, this is kind of a minor crime, but not one that warrants a beating.
WTF story of the year, non-Florida category.
There’s really no way to fit all the batshit stuff in this story into a mere 70-character headline.
You deserve recognition for completing the hardest break-up known to the human heart.
"I don't need to justify how I earn a living any more than you do."
People used to assume I was my secretary, and leave messages for me with ... me.
OMG SOUND GUYS don’t get me started
"Oh, are you the paralegal?"
Would it help if some of the women stopped accepting everything you say at face value? Because that is another way that women can address this. Stop smiling and nodding so much, stop giving so much eye contact.
i’ve had musicians look really uncomfortable at the prospect of working with me (i’m a sound engineer)