
We need some baby animal gifs up in here to soothe our nerves:

She doesn’t have to remember.

I wouldn’t call this all that subtle though.

Actually, yes. ALL medical information is private. It’s nobody’s business if a celebrity has diabetes or epilepsy or bipolar disorder. If they CHOOSE to be advocates for their illness, that’s one thing. But the general public is not entitled to private medical information about chicks from their favorite teen dramas.

I agree that a willingness to share one’s experience with mental illness is incredibly powerful and potentially destigmatizing. But I don’t think it is the responsibility of any one person battling a disease to do what’s best for the community as a whole by sharing (and taking the shit that comes with being open). God

Yeah, I do think all health information should be treated privately. But mental health is different. I agree it shouldn’t be considered shameful. But mental illness affects the way you behave, your judgment and your emotions. It’s a deeply personal experience in a way that physical illness isn’t. The way I feel about

You’re right that probably more was going on but I also respect her right to lie to the public to protect her personal health information and her dignity. It’s really no one’s business. Maybe it’s just because I have a personal connection to mental illness (clinically depressed) but something about covering

With rare exception, I don’t like knowing when someone has been admitted for voluntary or involuntary treatment/evaluation of any kind. It’s medical, the public really doesn’t need to know/be told this stuff. Hope Barton is okay and this info was released at her direction, not a HIPAA violation.

Hey, whatever happened to Midweek Madness? I loved that feature, and it seemed popular, it’s been over a month. Is it gone?

Well, we won’t have to worry about Matt Damon running for office anytime soon, though I’m not sure anyone was?

Once again, Hark! A Vagrant brings Ms. Wells to glorious life:

It was about as good as 13 episodes of TV are going to get. I pride myself on spotting a twist or a turn early and this one played me right up the last moment. And Ted Danson’s Cheshire Cat grin at the reveal? Perfect.

Why are we singling out Taylor Swift for not going to the March? Would it have been nice for her to have attended to show her support— yes. But she certainly wasn’t the only female singer who didn’t attend.

He recognises Trump is a problem. But, as an aside, he’s pointing out that this question isn’t directly relevant to him, and that’s true. Lots of American celebs live and work part of the time in the UK — wouldn’t it seem bizarre if a British paper asked them what action they were going to take against the government?

It looks like she has actual wings in this picture:

Now playing

I have learned from this educational video to always look at my life and life choices.

Isn’t it though? Some of the comments on here are staggeringly heartless.

It’s interesting to find out how people measure which women are worthy of their sympathy after a violent attack.

I’m surprised Jezebel has seemingly never reported on the sexual harassment allegations/settlement regarding Casey Affleck and his behavior during I’m Not Here. Is it because the claims are unsubstantiated? Because that hasn’t seemed to stop Jez from mentioning stuff like that before, particularly when a court case