
I’m liking the disembodied foot. Very Monty python.

I wouldn’t answer this question for just anyone, but I have a weird memory for screen names and I’m like 90% sure I remember you dropping a Murder She Wrote reference at some point a few months ago, so it feels like we are old friends. :)

I would never ask you this in real life because it’s none of my business but why are you converting to Judaism? Are you marrying a Jewish woman?

another victory for Team Dog

I wonder how many Gawker folks are going to migrate here. The next couple weeks are going to be interesting.


This is your obligatory reminder that whatever you think of American prudery when it comes to the sex lives of politicians, Anthony Weiner didn’t go down for a little harmless consensual sexting. The “accidental” tweet that broke the story was an unsolicited dick pic sent to a college student who had tweeted him about

Well, you would enjoy the Female Athletes from the Canadian Olympic delegation. They have been crushing the men this year; 20 medals, 15 coming from female athletes/teams. They are crushing the men hard

I would very much like to crush this man.

You know what, this week I legit crushed a man. Some guy wrote an paper attacking a paper I wrote, so I replied with a sternly worded letter to the journal’s editor. In it I crushed all his arguments, and let him know that I called a bunch of other scientists and they agree with me not him.

Crushing sounds like a lot of work. Can I just emasculate a man until he is forced to keep me cool?

As a white het cis male who has thanklessly taken on the awful burden of being an Ally, it reaffirms my belief that discrimination against White Het Cis Lapsed Episcopalian-Converting to Judaism My Age Who Are Me is the last real kind of discrimination left. And yet I continue to fight for justice for all of you other

Number thirteen is disgusted he’s being crushed by such a basic pump. Can he at least get some Charlotte Olympia up in here?

Am I doing it right?

yeah I’m not welcoming anyone until they submit at least three lentil recipes.

Let's see if they realize it's a joke this time.

...and on that note, a big welcome to all the commenters fleeing gawker and looking for a new place to hang!