
I think that the “men get raped” concept is useful. Not in a discussion like what Reductress is talking about, but because it broadens the conversation about rape in a valuable way. It has valence in terms of discussions about masculinity, and also empowers the male victims of assault (who are predominantly assaulted

ETA: Then again, this.

He insists he smells great. Just doesn’t look it.

if she keeps it i won’t be upset in the slightest. she deserves every penny.

Totally read that as “unwashed actor”...because he often looks like he could use a shower.

She deserves for having to put up with even a second of his shit behavior. Imagine a more spoiled person than a rich middle aged slightly washed actor, who has spent all his life being praised for being talented and “unique.”

girl if i’d been through what she’d been through the least he could do is gimme $7mil, and i would be miser for the rest of my life

I think his career will suffer both because of this and his recent record of flops. His latest big roles were largely the fruit of his past success but that is gone now. Most actors start to see their careers stall at least a little in their 50s and the rapid decline of his looks won’t help. But there is another

Do you think all of this has done any actual damage to his career? It bothers me that Ghostbusters is now considered a misfire and this dickhead has had countless flops and keeps getting license to do more (see also: Zack Snyder).

Well, let’s address the elephant in the room. There are families that might find it very difficult to homeschool—single parents without any other help, or families dealing with serious health or financial issues, for example. But in many cases it’s an option worth pursuing.

This is a completely different situation than the author of the original article.

Actually, my previous snarky comment aside, I was thinking about this over lunch and what really rubs me the wrong way about the typical homeschooling advocacy I hear — this piece emphatically included — is that most of what they present as “education” is stuff that my parents did with little baby

Yeah, I read the 1st couple of paragraphs and was confused why this person thought they weren’t a stereotype. Hippies who are able to healthily manage their attachment to their children just send their kids to Montessori schools.

I have strong (and strongly biased) feeling on this subject because I and my siblings were homeschooled through the end of eight grade back in the 80s/early 90s. My parents homeschooled us because they were conservative Christians and didn’t want us corrupted by the evil influences of “the world” (which also meant

Because YOU not using physics or biology is a pretty poor predictor of whether your kids are going to need to, or more importantly want to have the option of, using physics or biology. If you want to make sure your kid is a potter, then all you need to teach him is pottery. But that’s pretty selfish, because neither

I try really hard not to criticize how other people parent their children... Co-sleep or cry it out, natural birth or c-section, attachment parenting or au pair, working mom or stay at home, I won’t weigh in on another parents decisions in any of those areas.

Hooray, another bit of discourse in which “normal” equals “people with way more money than us.”

I mean, yeah, I could homeschool. But then I’d have to spend a bunch of time with my kids.