Problem with being an independent in this country though, is that you’re disenfranchised in other ways. In Md you can’t vote in primaries as an independent.
Problem with being an independent in this country though, is that you’re disenfranchised in other ways. In Md you can’t vote in primaries as an independent.
If only I didn’t teach night school -_-
I think your premise is flawed. Just because we live in a diverse society, does not mean that people from other backgrounds come together with the express purpose of having their things ‘borrowed’ from them. It’s assuming that the all cultural expression is valued equally and it isn’t. It also assumes that we live in…
HOW IN THE HELL DO YOU GET THIS ENDING? I dated the wrong guys in that game.
or a fish! People act like Finding Nemo wasn’t this exact plot. Sans the white girlfriend.
I was never a violent kid, but I was always getting picked on. Telling the teacher always put me in detention with my bullies. I’m not for the policy of fighting back, but I do wish teachers were able to do more.
Some songs are fun. Let this song be fun.
A common misconception is that Tupac and Biggie died because of hip hop beef. Truth is, Tupac got involved in gang violence via his manager, and less than a day before his death was caught on camera beating a rival gang member.
It doesn’t make it good though. Good writing should be thoroughly thought out, with meanings inferred and implied with intent. When David Cage throws in domestic violence or potential rape scenes, they do nothing but say, ‘Wow, this sucks, huh?’
Does she know about the girls Pretty Brown and Nerdy?
Admittedly I wasn’t keeping up with the voter suppression efforts in the south, but from up North is sure seemed like the dems in those states were passively watching these laws go into effect, then being peeved minority turnout was lowered in those states.
Doesn’t make it okay.
Um, white people first. I’ll sit this one out. Not trying to go jail today.
“That was called recylcing, RE- reciting something good you just heard, so you say it just like ‘em. Some say it’s bitin’, but I say it’s enlightening. Besides, Dr. Kanye West is one of the brightest.”
Nerd stuff has always been mainstream though. The diff between so-called nerds and so-called everybody else is social skills and degrees of obsession. For me I got shunned and bullied because me and my friends would drop Japanese in conversation unnecessarily and were kinda snobbish about our hobbies, ‘Oh you don’t…
In Nicki’s defense, she’s been bothered by the Breakfast Club for a long time because they’re not good journalists or hosts. They’re often deliberately hostile to guests, deliberately provocative towards them, and they don’t “do their fucking research!” She’s expressed this to them before, and yet when she comes they…
I was really hoping for some Dram-like shit, like Yoga Fire.
That doesn’t make it okay.
“So Offset, how do you balance 3 children and one on the way?”